Rest in Vietnam in winter, where to go?


I guess I do not care if I say that the rest in winter on the shore of the warm sea under the affectionate sun is the dream of every traveler. And this dream is now quite real and accessible, for this it is worth just to go to some tropical country, for example in Vietnam. On the coast of this country, tourists are gather literally from all over the world and our compatriots are by no means an exception. In winter, it is best to go to the southern part of this country - there is always a resistant sunny weather and no delay will be able to spoil your vacation.

In the southern part of Vietnam in winter, the air warms up to +30 ... 32 degrees, and the water temperature is extremely comfortable - +25 ... + 28 degrees. At the same time, in the north of the country, it is much colder - only +15 degrees, strong shower there really does not happen practically, but it often goes the drizzling strand.

Rest in Vietnam in winter, where to go? 30733_1

Vietnam's coastline is extremely long - about three thousand kilometers. And at the same time it includes wide sandy beaches and picturesque bays. Mostly, tourists are trying to settle on large more famous resorts, such as Nha Trang, Muin, Danang and Hyon. All of them are in the southern part of Vietnam.

The resort Muin is basically preferred to ride windsurfing and kiteboarding fans. They come either to participate in some competitions, or just to ride the waves. But this place is extremely popular not only thanks to the revealed winds here, but also because of the wide sandy beach and the absence of stones with corals.

An occasion at sea at this resort is almost everywhere on the fine yellow sand, but only some hotels are laid exclusively on stone steps. However, the water on local beaches does not differ at all transparency, it is rather muddy because of the winds raising sand from the bottom of the South China Sea.

Conditionally all the beaches of the resort Muin can be divided into several parts, but the most popular, comfortable and visited, of course, is central. It is on it that is the largest number of shops, restaurants and massage salons.

Rest in Vietnam in winter, where to go? 30733_2

Nha Trang Resort is probably focused on tourists from Russia for several decades. Even the local population owns a good Russian speech here, and in the resort you can find a lot of signs on my language familiar to us.

There are five beaches in Nha Trang, and the most popular of them is the municipal Chan Fu, which is carefully removed regularly and constantly follow the order. Literally along its entire length, numerous hotels, shops, cafes, massage salons, souvenir shops and restaurants left.

If you do not want to rest among the large number of people, then go to the southern part of the Central Park. There is incredibly picturesque nature and extremely few vacationers. And there in the evenings they love to gather local residents to admire the sunset and spend the outgoing day.

Rest in Vietnam in winter, where to go? 30733_3

Hoian is quite small, but nevertheless the famous city, since its central part is included in the list of protected objects of the UNESCO World Organization. So hotels here are located on distance from the city center from about two to four kilometers.

All Hoian Beaches are in surprisingly picturesque places. Right from the coast, there is a stunning view of the nearby islands. On the coast mainly the little yellowish sand. To get to the beach, you must first go through the territory of hotels and coastal cafes. But it is worth considering that strong winds often blow on the shores of Hoian and, as a result, strong waves can create obstacles to comfortable swimming.

Rest in Vietnam in winter, where to go? 30733_4

Danang is closer to the central part of Vietnam. It is not yet particularly popular with our compatriots, but tourists from many other countries have already managed to appreciate its beaches. At this part of the coast, the infrastructure is very well developed and there are still a lot of different attractions.

In addition to large resorts in the south of Vietnam, it is beautifully in winter to relax and on the islands that have enough extended beaches. True, not all of them are ready to actively take tourist flows today, but nevertheless, some are very actively developing and offering resting modern infrastructure and various entertainment centers in accordance with the world standards. These are the islands like Fukuok, Kon Tao, Binba and the beaches of Halong Bay.

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