Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome


Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the four main in Rome. Then it is considered almost the famous church in this city and at the same time the only one who has retained its original appearance. If no questions arise with the concept of phrases, the word "Maggira" translates very simply - "big". And this is no accident, because Santa Maria Maggiore is in its importance and the magnitude exceeds all other Roman temples, built in the name of the Mother of God, and there are no many of them, but almost eighty.

Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome 30710_1

Basilica was founded in incredible long-standing times - in the 352 year of our era with a dad of Livhereria. A very interesting legend, telling about the decision to build a basilica. Once a dad in a dream, and at the same time, the Mother of God appeared to one Roman rhych and commanded the construction of the church in the very place where the snow falls tomorrow morning.

The next morning - and it was the fifth of August and the rich and the Roman dad saw the snow right at the top of the eskivlin hill and then immediately decided to start construction. From that time ago, until today, the fifth of August, all the parishioners of this church are accepted with white rose petals.

Therefore, there is absolutely nothing surprising in the fact that the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggira is often called the "God of Mother in the snow". Do not forget when you go on her visit to pay attention to the amazing beauty of the thirteenth century mosaic, placed near the entrance. It is dedicated to the "miracle with snow."

Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome 30710_2

The main entrance to the basilica was built in the eastern wall of the building, which is just adjacent to the Square of the Major Mother's Square. It is no secret that many Roman dads in life as they could have become done to make this very honored church even more beautiful - decorated and completed it.

In 1377, the Basilica was attached to the Basilica (75 meters), and the currently beautiful facade with loggia and porticik was built in 1740. In this loggia itself, which was attached to the very first old wall, the initial mosaic decor of the beginning of the fourteenth century was preserved.

And the ceiling and walls of Santa Maria-Maggiore are decorated with unique mosaics, talking about the birth and life of Christ. Very nicely preserved and the Old Testament mosaics, which relate (difficult to believe it!) By the time of construction of the temple, that is, to the fourth-fifth century of our era. It should be noted that they are the most ancient in all Rome.

Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome 30710_3

The Basil Ceiling is covered with gold, brought by another Columbus from America, and the marble floor is made up of plates of various colors that form bizarre geometric shapes. But nevertheless, the most important treasures of Basilica are considered - Nurserie Christ, who are reliably stored under the altar, the relics of the apostle Matthew and an invaluable icon of the Virgin Mary, written by the Apostle onions, which is considered to be the most revered - "Salvation of the Roman People".

Basilica is divided into three chapels - Sicstinskaya with rich decoration, Poland - even more luxurious and Sforza, located closer to the exit and presumably built by Michelangelo. Not far from the main altar is the Museum of History of the Basilica of Santa Maria-Maggiore itself and Christmas Capella, which houses the sculptural group, which is the moment of the arrival of Magi to just born Jesus. Before entering the Basilica, there is a fifteen-meter column with a bronze figure of the Virgin Mary.

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