Castle Count Dracula in Romania


Romanian Castle Bran, built in the fourteenth century and washed with legends, is more famous for tourists as a "Dracula Castle". It is located about thirty kilometers from the small town of Brasov, that is, almost on the border of two historical regions - minting and transylvania.

In the romance and very sensational in its time, the Roman "Dracula" writer Brahma Stocker prototype of the main character - a vampire served as a historical character Vlad Charene, who was the ruler of Valahia in reality. Moreover, the writer settled his main character in the ancient castle, located in the transylvania principal, right on the rock. And it turned out that the Bran Castle turned out to be the most appropriate structure under the one that is described in the novel. Therefore, he now firmly entrenched in the minds of people as "Dracula Castle".

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Tourist firms and marketers, who are very actively lured by travelers are very active in this circumstance. But in fact, even if you did not read this novel and are not very interested in the vampire theme, nevertheless there is still a castle, because it is really very beautiful and old. You can fully appreciate its architecture, take a walk through a picturesque park and learn a lot about the history of this country.

Bran Castle is actually not just an architectural monument, but also a museum, which tells about the formation of this area and the history of the country as a whole. The castle has the form of a trapezium and consists of four levels that are connected by a staircase. Its massive walls, built of boulders and stones, and relatively small window sizes say that in previous times it was used as a defensive structure.

After the Castle of Bran became a royal residence, there were very significant changes here on its territory. First of all, new buildings were built - for example, tea house, garage, stables and church. A picturesque English-style fleet was also equipped and artificial ponds died. Some tourists so like this park that they pay him much more time than the castle itself. It is really very pleasant to walk, and the photos and photos are just wonderful.

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A cozy cafe is located in a tea house. It also does not lag behind the brand and Halloween treats all visitors with relevant dishes, for example, blood sausage. And what else is interesting - almost in all dishes feel the taste of garlic, because according to believe, he scares the vampires. Even tea in this cafe has a peculiar garlic taste.

If you go to the ground in the courtyard, you can see a well-preserved old well there. If you believe the legend, then descending inside, you can get into the vintage labyrinths. Immediately, literally there is a very beautiful fountain. Not far from the castle is a small market where you can buy souvenir products with a lock and of course with the vampire theme.

It should be noted that the inner decoration of the castle is quite simple and concise. All rooms are very small and between them many transitions on stairs, and halls with corridors are generally reminded some labyrinth. In the halls you can see antique furniture, armor and weapons collection. In a separate thematic exhibition, it is described directly about the cruel ruler Vlad Chasteche, who received the nickname of Dracula. For a fee, guests of the castle visit the so-called torture room located in the basement of the castle.

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The defensive fortress of Bran was built in the thirteenth century by knights of the Teutonic Order, but after fifteen years after construction, for some reason they left this territory. At the place of the old fortress, the locals in 1388 built a well-fortified castle, which defended Transylvania from external enemies. In addition, he also served as a peculiar customs, because in this place there were important trading tracks.

The history of the Bran Castle is also associated with the name of Vlad III - Dracula. The nickname of his chains is translated from Romanian as "count" and he received him not accepted, because his opponents preferred to plant on a stake in the literal sense of the word. He mostly ruthlessly allowed all conflicts in the district, ruining the village and killed hundreds of seaksons in Transylvania.

His bloody politician and cruelty created many speculations and legends around his name, they are essentially and formed the basis of the novel Bram Stoker. The castle was constantly restored and completed throughout his history. Local residents in 1920 transferred the castle of Bran as a gift from the Queen of Maria Edinburgh and after this action he began to be considered the royal residence. Nowadays, the owner of the castle is the grandson of Queen Mary - Dominic Habsburg, by the decision of which the museum was opened on the territory of the castle.

To easily get to the Castle of Bran, you need to buy a sightseeing tour, then you will not have any transfers' problems. If you want to get there yourself without a rented car and a taxi, then you must first go to Brasov from Bucharest, and there to transfer to the local bus, which will take you directly to the castle.

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