Cathedrals of St. Petersburg


St. Petersburg is a relatively young city and it is impossible to meet any prehistoric or medieval structures, but all the best starting from the Petrovsky era and later presented in this city in all its glory. This is especially true of buildings, temples and cathedrals, because the best architects of the time worked in the city of Neva. It is also impossible to forget that St. Petersburg is a city with special energy and with a special spiritual aspiration, so many of his cathedrals are peculiar monuments of combat fame of Russia. They keep the memory of many fallen heroes, they urge to remember and honor their history, as well as respect their roots.

The famous Kazan Cathedral in Nevsky Prospekt is just one of these monuments of combat Russian glory, since the banner of the French army is kept in 1812 and the great Russian commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov is buried here. The main shrine of this cathedral is the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, in front of which Russian soldiers prayed and their commander during battles with the French. On the square in front of the cathedral, two monuments are installed - Mikhail Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly.

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The amazing and grandiose St. Isaac Cathedral with full right is considered one of the symbols of St. Petersburg. In its construction, the forces of very many masters are invested, as evidenced by monolithic columns, the statues of the twelve apostles, a huge dome, sculpture on the frontone and many bas-reliefs. To the cathedral, at this place was a small church, in which Peter was married. Subsequently, it was completed and decorated with many emperors and empress.

To date, we see the latest version of the Cathedral, which was performed by architect Monferran in classicism style. Inside the cathedral is very exquisitely decorated with malachite, lazurite, gilded bronze and skillfully laid out with a mosaic. In the finishing of the cathedral, a famous painter Karl Bryullov took part. In one of the windows of the cathedral, you can see a huge thirty-meter stained glass window with the image of the Risen Christ. On the screw staircase, you can climb the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral and from there to admire the beautiful views of the city.

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Vladimir Cathedral is a baroque architectural monument. The cathedral began to build on the ideas of the great architect of Trezini, but unfortunately the construction was strongly delayed and ended with the participation of other architects, including the famous kvarnegi. The cathedral is wary of five domes and the bell tower is separate from it. The main shrine of this temple is the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, written in the eighteenth century. In this church, the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky very much loved to go, and here fled the beloved Nanny Pushkin - Arina Rodionovna.

Petropavlovsky Cathedral was built over nineteen years. At various times, its construction was presented first Peter the first, then Catherine Second, Peter the second and Anna Ioannovna. It is the highest building in the historic part of the city and enters the ensemble of the Petropavlovsk fortress. At the top of the cathedral there is a sorcepter spire, topped with a gilded three-meter angel vane. Petropavlovsky Cathedral is a temple-mausoleum, since many representatives of the Romanovsky Tsarist Dynasty are buried in it.

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The decision to build the Cathedral of Savior on-Blood (Resurrection of Christ) was made immediately after a deadly attempt on Tsar Alexander Second. The main relics of this temple are stones, which then fell deadly king. Only the cathedral was built for a very long time - twenty-four years. The nine-headed cathedral is not only a monument of mosaic art, but in its appearance reminds Moscow temples. The inner decoration of the temple is unusually beautiful. Almost all space is covered with mosaic paintings from the gospel and skillful patterns.

Nikolsky Marine Cathedral is also considered a baroque monument. He was originally conceived and was built as the main monument and as the shrine of the Russian Navy. During his reign, the Empress Catherine the second presented this Cathedral of ten icons written in commemoration of the victories of the Russian fleet over the Turks and above the Swedes. The poison with the cathedral is established a monument to sailors who died during the Tsushimsky battle, memorial boards in honor of those killed in the Russian-Japanese war and later - the sailors of the Komsomol Center and Kursk.

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The Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedral - the monumental snow-white temple was built exclusively in honor of the Izmailovsky regiment of the Russian army. Its five blue domes with golden stars can be easily noticed from twenty kilometer distance. If you get around the cathedral, then from its west side you can see the bronze sculptures of the angels. True or not, but the color of the domes allegedly corresponded to the color of uniforms of the soldier of the Izmailovsky regiment.

A five-cycle white-blue Smolny Cathedral became the second one at the venue of Catherine the second, because initially the Architect Rastrelli wondered to build it with only one dome. This cathedral is the acting part of the Smolny Monastery. At the end of the eighteenth century, at the age of Catherine, the second for the first time in Russia was built Institute of Noble Maiden. Well, in the revolutionary period in 1917 he was the headquarters of Bolsheviks.

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Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, as it was not surprising, never stopped his activities even a sophisticated Soviet period. The main shrines of this temple are two icons - "saved the unpretentious" and "all mournful joy". Up to the revolution of 1917, trophies of the Russian-Turkish war were kept in this cathedral, which were subsequently transferred to Hermitage.

Andreevsky Cathedral on Vasilyevsky Island is an existing Orthodox church. This church in former times was a place for various joyful and solemn services that visited not only members of the royal dynasty, but also many well-known people of that time. Cavalers of the Order of Andrei First Called, considered this church for their own and later there was even a bas-relief with the image of this Order.

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