What to see in Tikhvin?


Tikhvin is an old Russian city, famous for its ancient architecture. In particular, there are a lot of foreign churches and monasteries, but among them are modern, and among the old unfortunately there are many already destroyed. Also in the city there is a sufficient number of museums, chapels, monuments and sculptures. Tikhvin was founded back in the distance 1383 and almost immediately began to grow very quickly. Now this city, as it, combines the richest spiritual, cultural and historical heritage in him and is actively developing.

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One of the main pilgrim places in Russia is located in Tikhvin. This is a Virgin Assumption Male Monastery, which is distinguished by an unusual building with a refectory, beautiful belfry and unusual monastic cells. The monastery was built by the decree of the king of Ivan the Terrible in 1560 in the direction of the place where the icon of the Virgin appeared. During the war, she was removed from the monastery and only by 2004 returned back.

On the central square of the city there is a very pretty Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, which is famous for the famous Tikhvin icon. The pilgrims are sacred in its miraculous power and therefore the flow of believers does not dry up.

Also in Tikhvin, it is necessary to visit the House-Museum of the Great Russian Composer Rimsky-Korsakov. He is in the very house where he spent all his childhood. Here you can familiarize yourself with the work of the composer, to see the libretto to his works, listen to music, learn keys and posters. Not only in the house itself, but also in the household site everything has been preserved as it was during the life of Roman Corsakov.

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From the religious buildings of Tikhvin, it is also necessary to visit the introduced women's monastery, built in 1383 in the very first place, where the wonderful icon of the Virgin appeared. For a long time in this monastery, the Queen Daria Darius, the former fourth wife of King Ivan Grozny.

If desired, you can go for a walk to the Tikhvin Natural Park "Vepsky Forest". It is very well developed both rural and sports, cognitive and extreme types of tourism. At specially designated territories in the park, you can justify or hunt, an ecological field camp is working for children in summer and ethnological expeditions. If desired, you can also stop for several days in nearby villages.

Understand your attention, the Tikhvin Water System also - an important trading path connecting the Volga with the Baltic Sea. In 2014, the dam and the gateway were completely reconstructed not far from the Assumption Monastery. Moreover, all these hydraulic structures were carried out exclusively according to old drawings and wood technologies, and the frames as expected were filled with cobblestones. The gateway is completely in working condition and looking at him the impression that the whole system acts just like many centuries ago. Well, from the dam, the most beautiful view of the Assumption Monastery opens.

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It is worth spending time and look into an incredibly interesting historical and memorial and architectural and art museum of Tikhvin. It can see many expositions dedicated to the noble and merchant culture, the life of ordinary villagers, numerous crafts and in general the history of the Tikhvin Territory. But the main exposition of this museum is of course the icon of the Virgin, because the museum itself is located in the archimandrichy and state-of-the-cores of the Bogoroditsky monastery.

Do not forget to finally look into the church of the icon of the Mother of God "Sign." The very first mentions about this church are found in the chronicles of the sixteenth century. It is also known that in the nineteenth century, the temple was completely rebuilt. The main shrine of the church is the particles of the relics of the sisters of Diveevsky, whom the parishioners say that they are truly creating wonders.

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