How to take yourself on vacation in Uglich?


Uglich is an incredibly ancient Russian city, located approximately two hundred kilometers from Moscow in the emitty of the Great River Volga. He is rightfully considered one of the most ancient cities located in the Uppervolzhsky district, and in the history of the country he occupies the most important place. The most interesting place in the city is the old Kremlin, which appeared here in the tenth century, together with the city itself. But the Uglich is notable also in the fact that there are many of the most interesting and sometimes even unusual museums, which should be devoted to at least a few days.

You can start an inspection from the Museum of History of the City of Uglich. This is the very first private museum that appeared in the city, and it is located in a one-story house right on the banks of the Volga. The host of the house is the Creator of the Museum and at the same time his guide Alexey Viktorovich is a great enthusiast of his business and a professional in the history of coal. You will see here not only household items of citizens, but also folk costumes, mocks of the city buildings, ancient bells and can also listen to the performance of the ensemble. At the same time, the museum accommodates six to seven people and the excursion itself will last about an hour.

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The Museum of the Urban House of Uglich is right in the building of the Public Library, and it consists of two halls, in which you can get acquainted with the city life of the nineteenth-twentieth centuries, with the life, traditions and the most inhabitants. In the first hall, a fragment of trading rows is presented, where there are products of artisans of the time in the houses of the shops together with everyday things.

The second room is a model of an apartment in which the city resident of the middle wealth is allegedly lived with a living room, with a female half and a host's office. There are belongings used in everyday life at that time. The Museum also has a valid tea room in which all the wishing visitors treat tea and dishes according to an oldly innovative menu.

Also in Uglich there is an unusual and very interesting museum called the "Library of Russian Vodka". This theme museum is a kind of infant memory born in Uglich by the famous entrepreneur and vodka magnate Peter Smirnov. The basis of the composition of this museum is a large collection of cleaning and distillation devices, according to which you can trace how the process of manufacturing vodka has been improved and gradually reached an industrial level.

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Also here are bottles of different forms and volumes, and during the excursion you will be able to find out which methods for measuring volumes were used at the time and how different they differ from modern. You can see in this museum and the famous medal "for drunkenness", established by Peter first person, whose weight, even without chains, is without a small 6.8 kilogram. The guide will tell you more about the ways that this medal fastened this medal especially distinguished droves in police officers. The museum employs a tasting room in which you can try drinks interested in you, and then buy them.

Do not forget to visit the fascinating museum of prison art called "Closed Zone". All exhibits presented in this museum are genuine and were collected in the prisons of the Yaroslavl region. It is sculpters of bread, metal and wood figures, homemade weapons, guitar whose sound is similar to crying, installations of stone crumbs and metal chips, as well as a very impressive copy of the Cycstinian Madonna.

Separately presents letters of prisoners themselves on the will, in which they regret their hard fate. Also in the museum you can see the interior of the real prison chamber in the smallest detail, where you can look through the eyes. Well, in memory you can try on the shape of the arrestant, to take a picture on the naraders or for example with a guide, disguised into the shape of the jailer.

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Uglich is truly rich in unusual museums. Another representative of this cohort is the Museum of Superstition and the Myths of the Russian People. He was founded by two Petersburgers who were moved at the beginning of the twenty-first century to live in the outback. They redid the old two-storey house in the creative workshop and on the night before Christmas in 2001 adopted the very first visitors.

From the wax, the creator of the Daria Museum of Alien produced the figures of various Russian "unclean" - the house, Babu Yagu, Kickimaru, and even a bird of Sirin. And then she sewed costumes for them, based on the materials of the legends and manuscripts, brought from various ethnographic expeditions. All figures in the museum are exhibited in rooms typically repeating the usual peasant dwelling. And at the same time all sorts of carries, tips, talismans and bunches of herbs that protect housing from any "uncleani" are awesome everywhere in the hill.

Of the technical museums, the Museum of Hydropower History of Russia, which is located on the territory of the Uglich hydroelectric station, is the greatest interest. It will be interesting not only to adults but also for children. The guide tells visitors about the Volga, about hydroelectric power plants located on it and about the most Uglich hydroelectric power plants, then in the museum there are interactive models, projectors and screens. Many cars can be touched by their hands.

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People of the older generation of our country well remember such a very famous watch brand as "seagull". In Uglich, there is a fairly well-known museum of this brand. In principle, the museum was founded in the seventies of the last century, but recently opened after complete reconstruction. The museum collection includes about three thousand copies. In addition to the hours of hours, there are special interests of 6x9 millimeters in size, the very first chronometer made in Uglich, and decorative watches decorated with Karelian Birch and Ural Gems, which were many times presented at national exhibitions.

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