Top 10 of the most dangerous tourist places on the planet


No one will argue that extreme tourism is a very interesting and incredibly exciting. But sometimes the pursuit of new emotions and sharp sensations ends with very deplorable results. It may be a loss of health, and in some cases and life. Let's try to illuminate ten such dangerous places that are still better to avoid during tourist travel.

One of these very dangerous places is the Crater Lake NIos, located in the north-western part of Cameroon in the mountains of Adamava. It is also known as the "Lake Killer". The depth of this lake is 201 meters, but it is there on its day a huge carbon dioxide reserves are collected.

They are harming it seemed to be on the surface, but nevertheless acting inside the lake volcano. So practically any external impact - be it an earthquake, collapse or strong wind can easily provoke a terrible manifestation of a catastrophe, which happened here in 1986. At that time, the entire population of all nearby villages (about two thousand people) was destroyed by an explosion escaped from Gaza depths.

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A no less dangerous destination for tourists is the mountain Huashan in China. It is considered one of the most sacred peaks in Taoism and is located in the province of Shaanxi on the Cigning Ridge. Thousands of pilgrims, and together with them and tourists make every year the rise of 2160 meters high in an incredibly complex and dangerous path.

Of course, this path is very unique and passes by the most beautiful places - pagodas and monasteries, temples and gates, but at the same time it is incredibly dangerous. It is necessary to make this extreme rise in shaky bridges at all without a railing, and travelers hang on almost the abyss. Therefore, this road is not at all in vain call the "path of death". But those who still got there, treated with tea on top. And another award awaits tourists - you can go back onto the funicular.

It is hardly worth the tourists to make a crossing in Pakistan on the hanging bridge of Hassai. No one knows no one who is in fact this bridge in fact, but its shaky design consists of ropes and wooden skulls, and over the long years, the operating powder has risen, and the ropes rushed. Also, the transition is very dangerous here due to the strongest cold winds, constantly seeking to reset the travelers in a quick river.

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It is also not for Argentina to get along the train next along the route Salta Antofagasta. This railway crossing connects the town in the province of Salta with the border territories of the country in Andes. This train in the country is called Tren-A-Las Nubes ("train in the clouds"). Railway tracks are located at an altitude of 4220 meters from the sea level. All 217 kilometers of this extreme route are the most real dizzying lifts and descents, it is necessary to drive through 21 tunnel and overcome 29 round bridges. No coolest amusement park does not compare and closely with the emission of adrenaline during a trip to this train.

In our country there are also dangerous tourist places, for the example of the "Death Valley" in Kamchatka, which has already taken more than a hundred lives. It is also called the land of paradoxes and is located next to Kikhpinich volcano in the Kronotsky Reserve. In fact, this is a small area - in length two kilometers and in five hundred meters wide, but on a few minutes everything is driving everything. Scientists so far and cannot explain this phenomenon.

Some particularly extreme tourists specifically seek to get on the hanging stone Kieragbolten in Norway. In general, this is a really large stone, incomprehensiblely stuck between two cliffs at a kilometer height. It is located 240 kilometers from Stavanger over Lucy Fjord. It is said that the one who gets on this stone is experiencing indescribable sensations.

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It is not worthwhile to visit the surroundings of the actively operating Maison volcano, located on one of the Philippine Islands - Luzon. From its height, component of 2462 meters, lava flows are periodically erupted and rock rocks are emitted. Because of this volcano, the city of Kagzawa died, hundreds of local residents and there are many tourists.

In the French Alps, the Sornen Plateau contains one of the deepest in the world of Gufr Bezere caves. Its depth is 1323 meters and in order to achieve its bottom will be required from fifteen to thirty hours, and not counting rest. At the bottom of the cave there is a lake, but the greatest danger here are raining, because when they start, the cave is filled with water in a matter of minutes. It is for this reason that many speleologists die there.

Recently, it became very fashionable to carry tourists to the Ukrainian city of Pripyat. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, this blooming once the city turned into a real ghost. There, no one lives and houses gradually destroy and although nature is gradually restored, animals and birds return, but in places the level of radiation is unacceptable for people.

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Extreme tourists of course can not go around the beach Fish Hook in South African Republic. And indeed, what can be tempting than to swim in the society of white sharks? In this place on the coast of Cape Town they are even in shallow water, well, the beach Fish Hook generally leads in terms of the number of attacks of these marine animals on people.

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