Museum-Reserve Divnogorier


In the Voronezh region in the Lisci district there is a small corner under the unusual name of Divnogory. And in essence it is a natural-architectural and archaeological museum, and at the same time the reserve and naturally, it is right in the open sky. The nature of these places is so amazing that the reserve fully justifies its name.

Warrant mountains - so to speak, the wrong miracle is on high hills and are the chalk remains of a very bizarre form. But the most travelers are sitting here the cave complexes - mysterious and attractive objects, for archaeologists this place is a real storehouse of the unique finds, and the most different periods - ranging from Paleolithic to the Middle Ages.

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Divnogorie is located from Voronezh at a distance of about 105 kilometers, that is, on the car there go around two hours. As a rule, the Museum-Reserve begins its work with the beginning of May of the month. Excursions here pass every two hours, but at the very beginning of the season when there are a lot of people, they can pass through every hour.

Excursions are usually starting with a visit to a large diva, where there are remnants of the Mayan settlement and the cave church of the Sicilian icon of the Mother of God. The hills in the reserve are very high, so in order to be more convenient for them to rise, wooden stairs are equipped. By the way, according to the assumptions of scientists at this place where Divnogorier is now, it was not just a sea, but the real ocean. The remains of algae are still found under their feet.

It must be said that both Flora and the fauna of Divnogin simply abounds with relict plants listed in the Red Book. One of the most important finds found in these places is the Mayan archaeological complex of the nine-tenth centuries. Once at this place was Khazar Kaganat - one of the most powerful powers of the period of the Middle Ages. At the same time, there was an excellent snow-white fortress at this place, from which only the remains of an ancient settlement, pottery workshops and the burials of that period were now left.

Unfortunately, today, all excavations in this place are mothballed and suspended, and there is a high earth shaft in the place of the former Launtier fortress, surrounded by a moat. Of course it is very important to visit the cave fortress to at least look at these chalk remains from the inside. Inside very cool - no higher than +10 degrees, so even in the summer heat it is necessary to capture something warm with me.

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Inside the church cave is very empty and there is no decoration at all. Only the only icon closed with thick glass is reminded of the purpose of this room - this is a list with a genuine icon of the Sicilian Mother of God. Some visitors, by the way, going inside this church on the underground crossed go, get mysterious signs.

Next, you must definitely go to small diva to visit the Holy Assumption men's monastery. If you get into it at the time when the service passes there, then hear how stunningly beautifully sings a male choir. Well, then you need to visit the chalk remains themselves, whose bizarre figures appeared due to the ability of the most unsurpassed masters - wind and rain.

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