The most vintage castles of the world


Since the most long-old time, our ancestors built locks to protect their locality from various attacks and therefore they can not better display the true history of states. Mostly huge stone structures were built on those places where there were small fortresses. In Europe, for example, the inspirating fear of the outposts were very common.

During the long centuries, they were strengthened and completed, and now in our times they are the most real tourist attractions. Thousands of these ancient facilities are scattered almost all over the world, but even among them there are the most old castles, which are as if a separate history page.

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For example, in a simple Irish village there is a Collie castle, having the same name with the village. His most vintage parts were built back in 1180 and therefore KILLILI Castle is considered the oldest in the country. The land on which the castle itself is actually built, was transferred by King James I in possession of James Hamilton, who later became the first Vicontite Claneb. It was by his plan and was built this high castle surrounded by a fortress wall. Starting from the seventeenth century, the castle became a generic estimate for the Hamilton family. Another tower was added to the castle, and in front of it, a long fortified wall was erected.

The story of the Alcazar castle in the Spanish Segovia is very interesting. In ancient times, he was the Arab fortress, which in turn was built on the remnants of the Roman fort. For the first time, the castle-fortress is mentioned in the historical chronicles in 1120, when this city was disgusting with troops under the leadership of the king Alfonso VI. His heir Alfonso VIII elected Alcazar as a place to stay his family. At this time, the outpost was significantly rebuilt and acquired the appearance in which it is located and so on. The castle remained the most important residence for the monarchs of Castilla, until the period, until they moved the capital to Madrid.

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The next old castle is located in the County County, located in Southeast England. This rochester castle, which was built in the 1080s. The King William II gave the task of the Bishop of Rochester Gandalf, to build the location of the Kamenniy Castle on this place, to be able to control the passage across the river. In fact, this stone structure is actually the first to be like in England, since earlier castles were built in the country in a completely different - kurgan-paleous type. To date, this castle is considered not only the highest, but also most preserved.

The very first fortress on the territory of the Castle Hohensalzburg in the Austrian Salzburg was built in 1077 by Archbishop Gabhard I Helfenstein. And although later he was expelled from his post, but all his successors managed to complete the construction began. Then, during the reign on this territory of the Roman Empire, the Archbishops of Salzburg constantly took measures for further construction and expanding the castle primarily to protect their power and interests. The castle acquired its modern look around 1500, and at the end of the nineteenth century it was completely renovated by these pores is the most popular tourist object.

Despite the fact that in fact in the Saxon times, that is, approximately in the ninth century, Windsor was considered the royal residence, the construction of the very first castle began here somewhere in 1070 after the troops of Wilhelm's conqueror invade England. From the period of the reign of Heinrich, Windsor Castle becomes the residence of the ruling monarchs of England. In fact, today it is the oldest royal residence in Europe. During the Board of Heinrich III, a magnificent royal palace was built on the territory of the castle, which at Edward III became even more grandiose. And today, the Windsor Castle is the residence of the British Royal Family and of course the most popular attraction.

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Warwick Castle in England was built back in 1068 with Wilhelm the conqueror on the site of the same fortress. And starting in fact since 1260 in this place every next Count Warwick completed stone fortifications here. In the sixteenth century, the castle fell into decline, but at the beginning of the seventeenth was almost completely restored. In 1978, the Greville family, owned by the castle of more than 374 years old, the construction was sold to an entertainment company, finally restored the castle and the territory adjacent to it.

Also, one of the oldest castles in the world is considered to be Cochem in Germany. It was built about 1000 years in Palatzgraf Ezzo. After King Conrad III in 1151 captured the castle by force, he turned him into the imperial residence. Since 1978, the castle fully belongs to the city of Cochem.

Another oldest and largest castle in the world is the Citadel Aleppo on the territory of the Syrian state. It is located on the top of the hill in one of the oldest cities in the world - Aleppo and is under the protection of UNESCO. According to the historical chronicles, the Citadel Aleppo was partially erected before the third millennium BC, but at the same time the main part of its buildings was still built in the twelfth century of our era during the reign of Ayubid. Unfortunately, due to the continuing fortress on the territory of Syria, the fortress was subjected to significant destruction.

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