Sea cruise on the fjords of Norway


The first day of our unforgettable journey began in principle standard - we arrived on the train to Peter and the transfer was already met at the station. We all loaded into it and we were lucky in the city to show the most basic sights. At the same time, with us was a guide that was quite in detail told. It was interesting of course. After the excursion, we were brought to the port and we immediately went to passport control.

Well, after the end of all the necessary inspections, they finally rose on board our cruise liner. They settled on the cabins and since the baggage should still be expected to be decent, they went to explore the buffet. And it turned out that there was a full-fully people, so it was even difficult to find at least some free place.

Then we naturally went to watch the departure - who had windows or balconies in the cabins, they looked straight from there, and the rest gathered on the deck. When it was finally released into the sea, they went to study the liner himself, who is in a cafe, who is in a bar who look at the evening view, who is on the deck, and who just sleep in the cabin.

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The second day we completely spent in the sea. The weather was very good and it was possible to splash in the pool on the deck. Children accumulated so much in the frog, which was just not to push back. Someone played golf, someone in volleyball, in general, everyone entertained who wanted.

On the third day in the morning, our liner arrived in the capital of Denmark Copenhagen. Those who bought sightseeing excursions in advance, went on them, the rest at will inspect themselves. But two hours before sailing, everyone was already on board. The evening passed as usual - everyone was entertained who as he wanted. Since we were in neutral waters, stores and casinos began to work. In the cabins probably no one left - all somewhere something was busy in their interests.

The fourth day began with the fact that we arrived in Hamburg. In principle, the program was the same as in Copenhagen. Someone went with an organized excursion, someone alone. But since this time the parking time was longer, then many have also managed to visit the city of Kiel, which is located in two hours from Hamburg. Near the ladle right in the port, a small souvenir market unfolded and everyone who returned after the excursions immediately pleased themselves.

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The fifth day also passed into the sea. From entertainment Again the pool and sports grounds, casinos and shops. There was not enough sports equipment at all, so I recommend everyone to take something with me so that you can have fun. It is good that the animators were engaged in children, so the parents could relax calmly.

For the sixth day to universal joy, our liner finally came to the very first heyranger fjord. All with filmmers poured onto the deck, because beautiful and the truth is stunning - high rocks (each almost its name), waterfalls, small settlements. The liner naturally could not moisten to the little pier, so we were delivered there on the boats. Then they downloaded several buses and we went on a tour. The buses immediately began the rise in the mountains and called us not to look because the road is narrow, serpentines with steep turns. Our liner from above was like matchboxes. In the evening tired and satisfied returned to the board.

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On the seventh day we arrived in the second largest world fjord foam. Here the excursions were divided into two types - who, with a visit to the glacier, and who without him. Then there was a rise on the bus as complicated as in the previous day. Then we moved to a mountain train, which took us along the twenty-cell meter cool mountain slope. The train stopped so that we can admire the cascade of waterfalls. Fantastic spectacle! In the evening, satisfied and tired arrived on the liner. We were expected in the evening a gala dinner with the captain and the presentation of the team and cooks.

The eighth day we fully devoted to inspect the charming Norwegian town of Stavanger. According to Norwegian standards, it is considered almost a resort, because there was very warm and surprisingly many colors. In the city, perfect purity, it is immediately seen that it is carefully followed. Many diverse sculptures of different species and in the most unexpected places.

On the ninth day right in the morning we arrived in the capital of Norway, Oslo. Here, frankly, not too much of the attractions, so it is even not clear why his inspection included in the cruise. Pravda impressed the Park Vigeland with a huge number of sculptures. He is probably considered the most famous in Norway.

For the tenth day we went into the keel and those passengers who went to it from Hamburg regretted it. On the eleventh day, we were again in Copenhagen, and the twelfth day was completely held in the sea. The thirteenth day we were pleased with the occasion in Stockholm, the fourteenth to Tallinn, well, and on the fifteenth we are satisfied and happy returned back to Peter.

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