Milan Cathedral Duomo


Big Cathedral Square in Milan is considered a real heart of the city and resembles a silver tray with the main pearls of the city - the royal palace, the Gallery of Vittorio-Emmanuele II and of course the wonderful Cathedral of Duomo. This is actually a stunning architecture monument built in a rather rare-style flaming Gothic.

For Milan's residents, and for all Italy, he is considered a symbol of Catholic faith and amazes not only with its size, but amazing mixing of architecture styles. This stunning creation is completely built of white marble. The name of the cathedral into Russian translates very simply - "House of God" or "House of the Church".

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The beginning of the construction of the Cathedral accounts for the end of the fourteenth century and it was built for a strikingly long - practically seven centuries! Therefore, there is nothing surprising in that architectural styles were so mixed. Interesting the fact that it is this Cathedral of Napoleon, which by origin is an Italian, elected for his coronation, which took place in a solemn atmosphere in 1805.

The Duomo Cathedral can accommodate a large number of parishioners at the same time - up to forty thousand, and he is essentially inferior to the Cathedral of St. Paul in Rome. If we manage to look at the cathedral from the height of a bird'scape, then you can see that in its form it resembles a Catholic cross. And the facade of the building, and its internally decorated with an incomprehensible number of statues.

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They are already 3,400! Among them are saints, and martyrs, and historical personality, prophets and other biblical characters. Also the highlight of the cathedral is the fact that the snow-white kind of marble changes its color with different lighting. Not in vain, after all, the great German poet of Heinrich Heine was so admired by the Milan Cathedral Duomo - he said that he did not see anything more beautiful and mystically, than this cathedral illuminated by silver lunar light.

Inside the cathedral, colorful stained glass windows with biblical plots, sundial and right above the central altar - a nail on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Also inside the cathedral, you can see sarcophages decorated with the most skillfully belonging to the famous people of the past. Jian Jacomo Medici from a very famous Italian family was buried the very latter.

Well, and a separate landmark of the Cathedral of the Duomo can be undoubtedly a stunning view that opens from its top observation deck. It is located on the roof of the building and arranged quite conveniently, so visitors can completely move on the roof of the cathedral. You will not find a better view in all Milan.

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