What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi?


Any vacation will become much more interesting if you dilute his excursion. Honestly confess, in Beldibi is not so interesting, and look there, except for a mosque and a wild beach that can be viewed on your own, simply not for what. So, from Beldibi, exit excursions are organized. You can order excursions from the hotel guides, but my advice to you, take these excursions in street agencies. For example, close to our hotel on Molla Musa Street nearby the Tal 3 * hotel was a good agency, we took a couple of excursions. Believe me, quality absolutely does not pump, and the prices of the hotel guide two times higher.

What excursions can be taken from Beldibi?

First of all, I would like to celebrate the excursion "Demrem-Mira-Kekova". At the guide, such an excursion cost us about $ 60 (and on the street you can buy for 25-30, but we later learned about it). Excursion starts from early morning and ends closer to the night. At first, it will be necessary to go through the mountain serpentine for a very long time, there are very terrible places, since the tracks are narrow, and the height is sufficient.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_1

But the path runs along the most beautiful places, azure bays, orange groves and rocks. At first (about a couple of hours) you will be delivered to the city of Demre, where the ancient city of the world was located before, and in the Church of St. Nicholas.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_2

In the shop you can buy crosses and icons.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_3

The temple itself is just striking, is like underground, but all-frestes, columns, tombs - preserved in excellent condition.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_4

Next lunch in the restaurant, and then an excursion around the sea on the yacht. The goal is partially under the water of Kekova Island.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_5

Through the glass parts of the floor of the yacht can be seen at the bottom of the ancient amphora, and on the rocks, along which the yacht should be seen, the remains of life on the island are visible: steps, bases of houses.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_6

Then she is given half an hour to swim in the sea, next to this ancient city.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_7

Next, they will be brought to an ancient amphitheater, next to which the ancient Lycian tombs in the rocks are located.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_8

Truly, the mysterious place, because the theater was built in the first centuries of our era.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_9

Near the amphitheater you can buy magnets and other souvenirs. Well, on this excursion ends, you will be brought to the hotel to dinner. I recommend this excursion, very cool! Impressions are still fresh. Be sure to take water on the trip (to not buy there) and swimsuit. At such a tour you can go with the child, it will also be interesting to him, however, the excursion is long enough, and small children can be fattening, especially since the sampling path is not the easiest.

Also, you can go to Antalya. Of course, you can reach the city by the bus, but in terms of cost it is equally, and more informative. In Antalya take the clock by 9 am. To the city to go about 40 minutes. All this time, the guide tells detail about the resort and the history and culture of Turkey as a whole. There is such a tour of 10 dollars. In the city you are brought to Dudy Waterfall (beautiful place), you will be held on the main areas of the city, you will visit the fur coat and fur (I do not advise you to buy there, nor the other, especially, not souvenirs for overpriced prices).

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_10

Further, lunch in the restaurant and skating on the open sea for, about the hours or more. To dinner you are brought home. The trip is quite interesting, give free time to walk around the city. Such an excursion will love children.

Next, a trip to Pamukkale. This is a city with a very unusual fabulous landscape, snow-white mountains and geothermal sources.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_11

By the way, the place introduced by UNESCO to the list of world heritage. Such a tour costs about 70-80 dollars at the hotel guide and 50-60 at the street agency. Here, however, it is necessary to clarify whether the entrance to the natural complex zone is included. Of course, it is better to visit these places, and not just to take a look.The tour of the clock at 7 am begins and ended late in the evening. There are also two-day tours in Pamukkale, they cost from 100 to 170 dollars depending on the tour operator. During the excursion, you will see the ruins of the ancient city, Agora, Ruins of Basilica, the Water Tank, Martyrium of St. Philip, ancient gymnasium and the Southern Roman Gate. Optionally (about $ 18) - bathing in the Cleopatra pool. Water in this source contains many useful trace elements, besides, the source is hot (35-36C).

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_12

On the way back, you will be delivered to the factory for the manufacture of products from Onyx. But the prices for souvenirs are translated.

Tip: Be sure to take water with you, since it is not included in the cost of the excursion. Take with me and money, not less than $ 30, for additional visits. But the excursion is very interesting, exciting. And there is long enough, so that, I would not advise you to go there.

You can try jeep safari.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_13

There is such an excursion of 15-20 dollars per person. The path passes on a small jeep, driving a guide. During the excursion there will be about 15-20 cars with other tourists. Dear runs along the forests, fields, sometimes on the hills that beautiful views are opening. Not to say that this is a very extreme excursion, no. There is no special off-road there, everything is quite calm. In the mountain village will be held lunch, free time for photographing and walking. Further, everyone come to the cave with stalactites and stalagmites, to a mountain river with a waterfall.

What excursions worth visiting in Beldibi? 3023_14

This excursion is quite interesting, saturated. Take with you money for additional time, as there will be stops in a cafe where you can buy coffee or tea. Naturally, during the trip, take a video and photograph, the photo can be purchased later at the reception of your hotel. In a street agency, in different ways: the photographer may be present, and maybe not.

Of course, this is not all excursions, but I would say the most loved by tourists. And I advise you!

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