Travel to Rostov Great. Rostov Kremlin


Rostov The Great is unconditionally a very interesting city with long-standing historical traditions, according to official data, it was founded back in 862. It should be noted that those beautiful monuments of Russian architecture that were able to preserve in this city certainly amazing their multipleness. Well, the art of Masters of the Rostov belfry is widely known not only in Russia, but also far beyond. But do not forget also about numerous museums and exhibitions of this city, in general there is something to see.

In general, my husband and I decided to continue our long tradition of visiting the ancient Russian cities to the May weekend and this time they went to the Great Rostov, which is located in the Yaroslavl region. In principle, not so far from the regional center. We were there passing about five years ago, the city was impressed with us and we decided to return here as soon as possible.

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Great Rostov is in a common district center, cozy, located on the shores of the picturesque lake Nero. Since we went to the city by car from Moscow, then from afar at the entrance they saw elegant domes belonging to the Savior Yakovlevsky Dmitry Monastery. Hotel We have chosen specially with parking near Yaroslavl highway.

At first we walked along the historical center of the city, which is essentially concentrated around the ancient Kremlin. It was he who in general was the meaning of our trip. In the main circle of vintage wooden houses, remaining from the former merchant luxury buildings. Some look very decently, and some are not very.

Well, we actually reached the Cathedral Square, where the entrance to the Rostov Kremlin is located. Next, we regularly pass on the square in front of the wonderful Assumption Cathedral and before the belf. Both are inextricably in the architectural ensemble of the Kremlin.

I had the first sense that I was like a small grain, and there was such a commander, the power and at the same time the beauty frozen in the stone for a century. By the way, you can also go to the Assumption Cathedral. It is necessary only if you wish at the entrance to pay photos and video shooting, if you want to capture something. You need to pay to climb the belfry and get into the Lord (Central) Yard of the Kremlin. Casses are located near the entrance to the courtyard.

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The general attraction of the Rostov Kremlin is certainly the Assumption Cathedral. It looks like a white-named structure with a height of about sixty meters, to be honest, just amazing. He is certainly the oldest temple in Rostov, because it was founded in 991. Unfortunately, very many treasures of the cathedral were taken out, plundered and stolen in the difficult thirties of the last century, when he served as a warehouse with a factory.

Then we are of course very wanted to climb the belfry. The entrance to it is quite inexpensive - fifty rubles per person. They climbed along a very narrow ladder, on which you can not get together alive. Therefore, for convenience there at the bottom and at the top of the spans are the signal lights - if the green light is lit, then you can go down or climb. The reward at the top serves an open observation deck, with which we made loved by wonderful views on the Kremlin and the Great Rostov itself.

On the belfry is a total of thirteen bells. And each of them has its own unique silver sound. The most huge among them are sat, which weighs 32 tons, and with a watering weight of 16 tons. It was nice to honestly to hear that in the nineteenth century on solid pretty cash donations of the local merchants were made by their complete restoration. And it is sad to compare with what happened in the thirties of the twentieth century.

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If you do not know, then I tell you that the Great Rostov in our country has the status of a museum city, and all its main expositions are located on the territory of the Kremlin. The place is very recognizable, because it was here that Leonid Gaidai removed his greatest comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession."

The entire architectural ensemble of the Kremlin is divided into three parts - the Cathedral Square, Metropolitan Garden and the Lord. We first went up to the observation platform, which is located on the water tower of the bishop courtyard. For the entrance, it was also necessary to pay fifty rubles, but we did not regret because the species are stunning there. Well, then we drove along the walls of the Kremlin, which by the way was also partially shown in the film. By the way, with a visit to the temples ticket costs two hundred rubles.

Of course, they looked at the Museum of Rostov Finifsis - this is such an ancient technique for processing and painting stone. In general, this is a very well-known and popular Rostov traditional art fishery, which originates in the middle of the eighteenth century. From such beauty simply disassembled eyes! I was not kept and bought myself a ring for my memory.

Well, we later wandered around the garden and on temples - impressions of course a whole mass. On the inspection of the same Kremlin only leaves almost a whole day, so if you want something else in the city to see, then you must come to at least a couple of days.

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