Features of the rest in Archane


The Arshan resort in principle is listed not only in Siberia, but even beyond. And in general, it is both mountain-climatic and at the same time balneological resort. Located in a very picturesque Tunkinsky Valley in Eastern Sayanov.

For the first time, the healing properties of water in local sources were noted at the end of the nineteenth century, or rather in 1894. The resort began to slowly develop and already in 1920 began to take on the treatment of wounded Red Army teams. In the next few years, there were sleeping hulls, a bathroom complex, a hydroelectric station and even a plant for spilling mineral water.

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The word and concept of "Arshan" is very widespread in Buryatia, as well as in Mongolia and in Eastern Siberia. In Russian, it translates simply as a "healing source", but at the same time, the local population is considered sacred and around them, as a rule, rites are carried out, tie ribbons to the SERGE installed (ritual pillar).

In terms of its composition, Archent's water is closest to Caucasian mineral waters, so they are useful to drink them with diseases associated with digestion, circulatory disorders, as well as diseases of the endocrine and nervous system. So, as you see from Siberians there is a full-fledged mineral resort.

Water here you can try and drink from completely different sources, the benefit of them are scattered near the village - here you can find it warm and cold, there is well, very tasty, as if purchased in the store. Moreover, all this water is completely free - you choose how much you want and drink. Therefore, do not be surprised if you here will see people from the legs to the head of frightened bottles with water.

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The Arshan resort is located near the foot of the Tunkin Goltsy in the Valley with the same name, which stretched from the southern end of Lake Baikal and in the west direction to the border with Mongolia. Some scientists believe that the Tunkin Valley is an ancient extinct supervolkan. Even now in the vicinity there are thirty "breathable" volcanoes.

Well, nature in eastern Sayanov is simply amazing - coniferous forests, fresh mountain air, transparent rivers and many diverse Siberian herbs and berries. Then right through the village itself proceeds the purest mountain river Kynharga. Water from it can be drunk calmly and absolutely nothing to fear.

There are two sanatoriums in the village for a long time - "Sayany" and "Arshan", in which local mineral water and balneological procedures are used in the treatment. And at least both the sanatorium work all year round, but still the best time for arrival here is the very beginning of the summer, when all the nature and the people are going to be flourished yet.

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In addition to the treatment in the resort and around it, quite quite very interesting places that can be visited. For example, the "eye source", which is a little north of the village. There in water a very high iron content and a row of pine grove. It can be seen that all the trees located near the source all completely rid of ribbons in gratitude for the cure.

You can go for a walk along the local Kynhardi River, on which there are as many twelve waterfalls. They are all different heights but very beautiful. If you have strength and desire, you can make climbing on the peak of love, there is a trail for lifting, but just go to at least three hours there and the same amount accordingly.

Meters in eight hundred from the village there is a valid Khoimoreskaya datsan "Bodhidharma". It is possible to walk on a dirt road or drive up on something. If desired, by the way, you can go and look at the existing volcanoes. The spectacle is very impressive. And of course, a walk through the picturesque Tunkinsky valley will bring you a lot of pleasure.

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