What to see and where to go to the suburbs


It should be noted that the Moscow region Niskolachko is not inferior to the capital as a whole in terms of the number of preserved cultural monuments and historical heritage sites. And what else is interesting - there are two cities in this region, which are actually the peers of Moscow - Zvenigorod and Volokolamsk.

The very first settlers in these places appeared about twenty thousand years ago, the area survived many significant military battles - Borodino battle in 1812, the heroic defense of the capital in 1941-1942. In the Moscow region is more than two hundred museums dedicated to wars. Of all the cities located here, nine were founded during the reign of the Moscow Principality. The ancient settlements are preserved here, the ancient noble estates and 58 monasteries built in different epochs.

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So there are a lot of sights and commemorative places here, they will not open them in one day. We must do it gradually. Start, perhaps, with Sergiev Posadov, which opens the famous gold ring of Russia. His most important attraction from the very moment of the foundation of this city in 1337 was also the Trinity-Sergiyev Laurel. She did not close even in the difficult Soviet period, pilgrims, as they are constantly coming here.

The small sizes of Kolomna's town, located from Moscow at a distance of a hundred kilometers, in the number of historical monuments surpasses many major cities. For the first time, Kolomna was mentioned in the annals back in 1177, that is, it is essentially a little younger than Moscow, but since then, the fortresses, towers, temples and houses for citizens have constantly appeared here. It is nice to note that in this small town has been preserved completely untouched wooden architecture along with the old streets.

Initially, Pavlovo village was mentioned in the chronicles and it happened in 1328. Then suddenly unexpectedly, this quiet and provincial place becomes the real center of the partisan traffic in the war with Napoleon in 1812. It was in memory of those military events in Pavlovsky Posad a monument was established which was devoted to the leader of this movement.

In the mid-nineteenth century, at the direction of the king Nicholas, five small settlements were united and they were assigned to the city status. It was at that time that the craftsmen of Pavlovsky Posad were engaged in the close production of real-willed fabrics and the production of famous Pavlovsky handkerchiefs and shale was opened in the city for the first time.

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As for the city of Serpukhov, in 1339, Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita declared this village with his own possession, but a little later, it changed several rulers - Ivan the Terrible, Vasily Shuisky and Boris Godunov. For a long time Serpukhov served in a generally defensive fortification for the Moscow principality, so fortresses were built here for this purpose. Well, although the temples and churches were built. Some of them by the way is quite well preserved to this day.

In the fourteenth century, Mozhaisk became a real Rus religious center. There were more ninety temples here, but unfortunately only four survived to this day. Then in 1812, when a Borodino battle took place quite close to Mozhaisk, the city was almost completely destroyed. But gradually the city was rebuilt anew, and he retained the planning of the fourteenth century. Therefore, now its main attractions are renovated temples and urban estates.

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Dubna is not such an old city as previous, but it is known as the Science of the Moscow region, founded in the thirties of the last century. At first it was just a settlement for the content of political prisoners Dmitra. And in 1958 it was decided to combine three settlements and the formation of the city of Dubna. In this town of nuclear physicists, all plants are open for fans of industrial tourism and there are a lot of interesting things here.

Volokolamsk is considered the ancient city of the Moscow region, since it was founded back in 1135. In principle, without special losses, the city survived and interfered with Russian princes, and the raids of Polish interventory and even the war of 1812. But heavily suffered during the Great Patriotic War. It was here that the offensive of the fascists of the heroes of the famous Panfilov division in 41 were held.

Moscow region Zvenigorod received its name due to the many churches located in it and temples with bells. It was founded in the twelfth century. But from the very moment the foundation in the city has survived the old Kremlin, who served him with a reliable defensive structure. But in essence, it began to grow and develop this settlement only in the eighteenth century, when a musical factory has earned here and has become the whole country to supply musical instruments.

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