gold ring of Russia


The Golden Ring of Russia is a rather popular and promoted tourist route, which many know very well about, well, and those who are not too familiar with this topic at least heard about it. In any case, from the school program, such individuals like Ivan Grozny, Sergey Radonezh, Ivan Susanin and Princes from the Romanovsky dynasty. So, all these historical individuals are somehow connected with cities that are part of the Golden Ring. Some of them were born here, someone lived, someone died and buried here, someone founded the temple in this city, and someone heroically fought with enemies.

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The journey along the Golden Ring includes a visit to museums, reserves, touching historical secrets, trips to holy places, worship of famous icons or at least to their copies. Many monuments with which travelers are found along the way are protected by the UNESCO World Organization. In Suzdal, for example, in general, over two hundred such cultural facilities. Officially, the route of the Golden Ring includes eight vintage Russian cities, there is a truth and more advanced route, but this is already a separate story.

The fact of the appearance of this route and the concept of the "Golden Ring of Russia" as such is interesting. Once in the distant 1967, one not very much then still famous art historian Yury Bychkov received a task from the Sovetskaya culture newspaper to write a series of articles about his journey through the old cities of the Vladimir region. At the end of the business trip, he decided to come to Yaroslavl at the same time and thus closed his journey into the ring. And then a whole series of articles came out about his journey under the general headline "Golden Ring".

The first city entering the route is Sergiev Posad, which is fully under the protection of UNESCO. This is the only city of all eight, which is located in the Moscow region. He is fully considered to be the spiritual center of Russian Orthodoxy. It was in this place that the tarts of the Bartholomew later became all the famous Sergey Radonezh.

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The next city is Pereslavl-Zalessky. It was founded in the twelfth century Prince Yuri Dolgorukh. It was here that the great Russian commander Alexander Nevsky was born. And the great reformer of Russia King Peter I chose exactly the Lake Lake located here for the construction of his very first shipyard.

The Great Rostov, unlike another Russian city, with a similar name - Rostov-on-Don with full right can be proud of its longer history and the fact that he has his own Kremlin. The city is located on the shores of Lake Nero, and its historical center fully retained its original layout in such a way that not only public buildings remained intact, but even some residential buildings.

According to a long-time legend, the ancient city of Yaroslavl was founded by Yaroslav Wisely in a very well-known place, where Kotor is in charge of the Great Russian River Volga. The city is incredibly rich in the Orthodox churches and monasteries, but it also presents all the main styles of the Russian architecture of the sixteenth - twentieth centuries.

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According to numerous historical sources, the founder of the city of Kostroma is also Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. By the way, this is the very first city in Russia who received his own coat of arms - the Catherine II gallery. Kostroma became famous for a very developed both textile and jewelry industry, and also considered the "cheese capital" of the central part of Russia.

Ivanovo is considered the youngest city of the Golden Ring, it's not so many historical and architectural monuments in it. It was included in the route as the Russian Center for Textile Industry, which arose here on the basis of long traditions of flax processing. For a long time, the city of brides was considered due to the large number of unmarried weathered.

Suzdal in general is the only museum in the territory of Russia, so tourism is considered the main source of its income. It is also included in the List of World Heritage Objects protected by UNESCO. By the way, Suzdal is the second most popular tourist center in our country after St. Petersburg.

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Well, the last on the list (but of course not by meaning) is an old Vladimir. The founder of this city was the Grand Prince Vladimir Monomakh himself. For several centuries in a row, Vladimir was the capital of Russia. It has as many three objects protected by UNESCO, as well as in it there are a lot of white-named ancient facilities, which actually brought him the honorary title of the capital "Golden Ring".

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