Valdai: interesting sights of the city and surroundings


Valdai is the most painful land of amazing nature and Orthodox churches located in the Novgorod region. In general, the local land without any exaggeration can be called saints because there are many Orthodox legends. If you suddenly do not really interest Christian shrines, it still costs to come to Valdai at least in order to admire the delicious nature of this edge. Especially in spring are amazingly beautiful parks, forests and coasts of the Valdai lakes, although it should be noted that the lovers of ecological tourism come here all year round.

The very first thing that travelers are usually visited upon arrival in the Valdai Territory, this is a lake with the same name. His water custody stretched no little, but almost twenty kilometers. If on average the depth of the lake reaches twelve meters, then there are places of depth of already up to sixty meters.

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Since it is considered to be a glacier, then you can not at all doubt that it is crystal clear water. In general, ice here hold almost from the very beginning of the winter and almost until the month of May. The lake is incredibly popular among local fishermen, including many of them come here and in winter. Well, the rowan island enjoys greatly popular with tourists to the lake, to visit which you can hire a boat from local residents.

In principle, Museums are the main exhibits of which are precisely the bells in the world can be said units. And the fact that the Valdai Museum was the first in the territory of all Russia, it undoubtedly marked interest in such collections. The museum is widely represented by bells not only from different years, but even different eras. And you can not only look at them, but also take them into hand and listen as they sound.

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Valdai National Park is of interest not only to its picturesque nature, but also by many historical memos. They were inherited from those who lived here in the long-standing times of Slavic tribes. Valdai Earth very carefully keeps numerous mounds, as well as the objects of the cult and life. Well, later periods also left their memories - ancient estate and of course the structure of the period of Russian wooden architecture. The park is generally incredibly huge, so it was still able to safely accommodate the recreation centers in which you can stay for several days if desired.

In the nearest surroundings of Valdaya, there is a very well-known source of the flow, the water of which was famous for its healing properties. And all this happened because there are many silver ions in its composition. It helps well not only with problems in the digestive system, but also with eye diseases. In recent times, a font was equipped near the source and a chapel was built, which was subsequently consecrated.

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One of the very remarkable epochs in the life of the Valdai Territory is the period when he was a county tsarist city. It is precisely this period of time and is devoted entirely to the fullest Valdai "Museum of the district city." All the room it is divided into five halls, in which you can trace the story of this edge, to get acquainted closer with the local crafts, with the things of that time and with the life of people who lived here during the Tsarist Russia.

But this place in the vicinity of Valdaya as the "Lair Satan" will undoubtedly be interested in extreme lovers and unusual entertainment. In principle, this is an abandoned missile base, in which the world's largest ballistic missiles have previously been located. Today, there are only ruins from those of the past scale, but nevertheless they look very impressive. If you arrive here, you can see huge hangars, missile mines, locations of launcheling and teams of the command item. For some reason, the base of the base was stopped by the most powerful explosion, but nevertheless many buildings after him managed to survive.

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And of course it is worth visiting the Iverly Orthodox Male Monastery, which is located on the shore of the lake near Valdaya. He was among the first to be built on Rus after the end of the troubled time. Initially, here in 1653 the very first wooden churches appeared, which were built under the leadership of the then Patriarch Nikon. For a long time, according to legends, the monastery had unable wealth, but all this ended with the fall of the royal regime in Russia.

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