Ruskeala Mountain Park in Karelia


Karelia is a stunningly beautiful part of Russia, there is a huge number of various natural attractions and here every year a large number of tourists arrive, and not only from our country, but also from far abroad. But even among all this natural beauty, the Marble Canyon of Ruskaala with the Mountain Park of the same name occupies a special place. There is something to surprise travelers - quiet pine forests, amazing in the form of rocks and lakes with a cleanest transparent water and many more than others.

In essence, Canyon Ruskaala is a former quarry. Once in former times, various marble breeds were mined in this place. To date, the width of this career is about one hundred meters, and the length of approximately four hundred sixty. For the first time, Ruskeala's quarry is mentioned in the Swedish chronicles of the seventeenth century, since these lands were then part of the Swedish state. Only after the victory in the Northern War, the whole of Karelia, together with a quarry, moved to the territory of Russia.

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The development of marble in these places was very interested in Russian Empress Catherine Great and even used it when finishing St. Isaac and Kazan Cathedrals. In the thirties of the last century, the mining of marble in the career was discontinued and one of the quarries was turned into a mountain park Ruskaala, so this area became extremely attractive among tourists. The canyon was cleared, equipped with viewing platforms and pedestrian trails.

The easiest way to visit Ruskeala Park along with the marble canyon is a bus tour. Proposals There is a whole mass. But it is quite possible to do this and independently without an excursion. From the Ladoga Station of St. Petersburg walks the train at number 350 to the sorts. There are also buses from the Northern Station. Well, already directly to Ruskeala Park, you can get from Sortavala on a minibus or by taxi.

Entrance to the park is paid, for an adult ticket will need to pay 250 rubles, children under seven are held for free, and since seven years it is necessary to buy a ticket for a hundred rubles. You can go with a group excursion in the park for four hundred rubles. An individual campaign with the guide on caves and grotto will cost you a thousand rubles. In addition, a boat can be rented in the park and even if you wish to do diving.

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In addition to the marble canyon in Ruskeala Mountain Park there is still a lot of interesting things. We must also look at the underground lake, which is located in the failure. Presumably it was formed as a result of explosive work produced in another career. In the distant corners, the ice does not melt even in the summer.

Between this failure and the marble canyon you will see through the through hole - this is an old gallery. A little away is a rather interesting stone exposition from huge colors of boulders. Do not forget to also visit the Ahpenkoski Waterfall and the Takhmayoki River. Near the waterfall, you can look at the destroyed Finnish power plant. So you can not doubt - Ruskeala Mountain Park is a great place for active pastime.

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