Rest with children in Altai


The full season for recreation in the Altai Territory begins approximately in mid-May and continues almost until the end of September. If you suddenly plan to go there with young children, then consider such a moment that in summer the air temperature in Altai can be very high. The most popular places of recreation in these parts are traditionally considered to be Kulundin, Yarovoy and Kuchuk Lakes. You should not also forget the protakus popular to the whole country resort as Belokurikha. However, you again have to understand that rest in all of these places is greatly different both by the level of comfort and the entertainment available for children.

Those who prefer peace and calm on vacation, it is best to go to the Kulundy Lake and accommodate accommodation in Zamenka. It is especially convenient to rest with very little children. However, entertainment here as such at all, like no noisy discos with bars. You can eat centrally or at a sanatorium, or in a local cafe. There are private recreation centers that offer houses with a kitchen and it is incredibly convenient, because the villagers sell products for quite funny money, and all the cereals can be bought at a local store.

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Resting with children here is very good - the lake is petty and water in it is weakly salted. To the depths to go decently, so the children can splash in almost a challenge in very warm water. From the side of the sign all the beaches are sandy, so safety for children is guaranteed, especially since the positive effect is noticeable from water and mineral mud.

Very well also rest at the Big Skore Lake. Moreover, from one shore there is a real resort area, and on the other hand, tourists are resting in tents. The beach in the resort area is equipped with all necessary - shower, toilets, changing rooms. A water park, disco, concert venue, cafes and bars are located near the beach, can be rented.

Almost everything you need for a full rest is very close to the lake. Accommodation is possible in sanatoriums, apartments and in private houses. The only disadvantage of the local rest is the fact that the water in the lake is too salty, children need to swim in glasses, otherwise if the water falls into the eyes, it will be very pinching. And then after bathing, it is necessary to rinse with fresh water before sunbathing.

Belokurich resort in summer is a real healing paradise. There are many sanatoriums, and completely different orientation. In general, this is a completely full-fledged resort, which can be safe for both health and recreation. There are quite a lot of outdoor pools, and almost all the sanatoriums are also equipped with them.

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Beautiful and Karakol lakes are also a great place to relax. In the area near them there are many private sites, sanatoriums and small estates. Tourism is superbly developed, therefore a lot of excursions are being organized and organized. Well, the beauty of nature and pure air will undoubtedly act very positively and on the nervous system and for general well-being. However, with children of preschool age, it is unlikely to come here, they will be uninteresting. But the older children will gladly go to different trips and ride on excursions.

In Altai, there is also a somewhat unusual place to relax as an artificial lake Turquoise Katun. This is a relatively small observation of water, but with a well-developed infrastructure. There is a decent number of recreation databases, summer houses are rented, there is a cafe and the opportunity to ride different excursions. The entire territory is fenced and the entrance to it is paid, so that the beach usually does not have too much people.

Of course you can stay on holiday on the Katun River, but only with children of school age. Equestrian walks are organized here and there is an opportunity to ride various excursions. You can even participate in the river alloys. There are no special entertainment here, extremely informative-sports tourism.

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