Shed Batu - Travel to Golden Horde


When my husband and I traveled around the cities of the Volga region, then there could not miss such an unusual place near Astrakhan as a barn of Golden Horde. Of course, in our time, this is essentially a mock of the city, which remained from the scenery created during the filming of the film "Horde".

In principle, they were specifically left here so that people could understand what the appearance of this ancient city was lost in reality. To date, this place has become one of the most visited in the Astrakhan region. So we were also to rent a car in Astrakhan and went to see what is actually Sarai Batu.

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The attraction is almost in the central part of the Astrakhan region - eighty kilometers from the center on the banks of the Akhtuba River. From the city we left for the track Astrakhan Volgograd and then moved to the north. About nine kilometers after we drove the Selitreny, we saw the pointer notifying that you need to turn left to drive to Shed Batu. Then it was necessary to drive a little more, but in principle, it was already possible to consider a lot from afar.

Attendance can be attended daily without weekends from April to October month, the only exception is June month Because at this time there is too much midges and do not really see anything. Behind the entrance individual ticket must be paid 150 rubles, and if with a tour of that 750, preschool children are allowed for free. On the territory there is a cafe "At Khan", in which all visitors treat Central Asian cuisine. We went to have a snack and have been satisfied, the average check is 250 rubles per person. Also, it is also necessary to pay a hundred rubles for entry into the chamber of torture. Well, that we still liked it very much, so this is a rappy-arbal shooter, in which my husband and I have been trapled in the archery.

When I went here here, in principle our main goal was to visit the excavations in the selennal. We have already read a lot of information that excavations were started in 1965 and then the ancient buildings with interior decoration, household items, weapons, glass and metal products, as well as vintage coins, minted still during the heyday of the Golden Horde were discovered. Also on the Internet it was written that the excavations in general continue and to date.

Therefore, we specifically drove in Selitran to see where these excavations occur. But a local resident disappeared by Izvestia that they were frozen and even did an indication of the bulldozer to compose all this place. It turns out that there began to find such items that do not fit into scientific works on history. And so that the huge scandal does not swear decided to just stop the excavation. Still, it is a pity that he hides us so much the true history of our country.

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The ancient city of Sarai Batu was founded in 1250 by the grandson of Genghis Khan Bath Khan, who was called Batu in Russia. Actually by his name and was named the city, which became the capital of the Golden Horde. The city had a length of ten to fifteen kilometers and its total area was about twenty square kilometers, and approximately half the central part occupied. All the rest of the space was built up with manades and estates.

In the period when the city was worried about his flourishing, he was huge - with a population of about 75 thousand people, and it was completely inhomogeneous. Different ethnic groups lived here - Mongols, Russians, Kipchak, Alans, Circassians, Bulgars, and so on. Of course, each such group settled in a separate from the other quarter and there was developed there with their own infrastructure as they say - bazaars, schools, cemeteries, churches, and the like. But besides, they also existed quarters, uniting artisans - gonchars, glass windows, kuznetsov, jewelers and others.

In principle, Sarah Batu had the appearance of a typical Eastern city, well, except that the streets in it were sewn. Public buildings and houses of rich people were built from burnt bricks, and houses of poor people are from cheaper and affordable materials - wood and raw bricks. It is difficult to imagine now, but in those long-standing Sarai Batu had already had its own water supply system and sewage system, and some of the houses were even central heating. Well, the poor were mostly settled in ordinary yurts on the outskirts of the city. The most magnificent and most beautiful in the city of course was the Palace of Khan, which was skillfully decorated with gold.

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