Why do we choose Kemer?


Turkish Kemer, for me one of the priority tourist destinations. Of course, I will not say that I traveled around the whole of Turkey that my opinion is the opinion of the travel expert. I'm just interested in this topic and this country. I was very happy when the possibility of free visits, you are interested in tourist destinations. In Turkey I was three times. Once in Marmaris, twice in Kemer.

Why do we choose Kemer? 3003_1

The abolition of visas significantly affected the flow of our tourists. Not many have decided not to communicate with independent visa. It was much easier to come to a tourist agency, to buy a tour of a certain city like you, to a specific hotel. So it turned out with Marmaris. The city is good, beautiful, interesting. But the hotel caught not very. I still remember disgust. I do not do the anti-flame, the name of the hotel is lowered. My wife and I came out of the bus, went to the hotel, and sank. Mood. But the tour was chosen on the Internet for a long time, read the description of the hotel, guest reviews, watched photos. But, upon arrival, we had a big and fat "cat in a bag." Hotel and recreation are paid, welcome, no, not to hell, of course, but something like it is like this. How do normal people come, if the advance, voluntarily, did not pay pleasure? Deploy 180 degrees, express their Fe and go. In our case, our money was already spinning in the covers of the hotel, and we could no longer leave. We were doomed to rest ...

With Kemer, everything was different. Visas have already been canceled. Plane ticket - no problem. Three hours and we in Antalya. Standard procedures, to exit international terminal, taxi parking. The fare is indicated on the parking entrance shield. Agrees with the driver who speaks Russian slightly. We explain the situation that in Kemer we need a not a certain hotel, but will choose. Turks are a tricky, but a friendly nation, the driver rolls his eyes, clashes the tongue, mourses about the complexity of the task. But it was not there. From the Internet map of the city in memory. By supporting the humorous style of the conversation, I say that all its complexity is to find Marina Street in Kemer, and our gratitude, in reasonable limits, will not know the borders. Bakshish (tips), here is a generally accepted phenomenon. And if you do not want to look like "white corners", to this be prepared. But this is if you are satisfied with the service.

And we, having agreed on the cost of fabulous thanks, went to Kemer. The driver twitched the whole road, it was not strained, even it was interesting. For example, I was confident all my life that the White Sea, which is also called Solovetsky and wash the Solovetsky archipelago, and it is in the north. It turns out, according to the ideas of the Turks, I lived all my life in ignorance. White sea left in front of us, and wash the turtle island. So the Turks call their part of the Mediterranean, and at dawn it is really white.

We arrived in Kemer, Marina's street. This street stretches along the entire coast of the city. And the whole street, side to the sea, is built up with hotels of any storeinity and star. Come in any favor. The best places for you will be in any. Before the tourist voucher and cash, the priority is always in any country - for Naly.

Kemer - for tourists, satisfied with the hotel, the beach, food, and so on, in all respects a comfortable and pleasant city.

Why do we choose Kemer? 3003_2

I want to apologize to the adherents of Marmaris, if not the above circumstances, my impression of the city would not be ruined.

I want to stop at the local population and his attitude to Russo Tourist. As about all others on nationalities, it is impossible to judge unambiguously, bad and good everywhere. We must remember the folk wisdom that with its charter in someone else's monastery is not recommended. Opinion about us, we create themselves. If the opinion was rooted, and, the opinion of not one person, it is difficult to change it. We were not invited to this country, we came to visit, and simply obliged to comply with certain rules. Why would a girl without a satellite be comfortable in Turkey? Yes, because all Russian girls in Turkey believe, to put it mildly, affordable. Not very smart person, putting the skirt shorter, considers jokes to her address, without understanding the meaning, attention signs. This is not true. Turkey, though secular, open country, but this is the Islam country. Not bad, planning a visit to any country, to get acquainted with her in the businesses and traditions. In our country, we negatively treat the hijabam, there to excessive open female body. On the beach it is acceptable, in public places - no.

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