The most interesting suburbs of St. Petersburg


In fact, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg there is a lot of incredibly interesting suburbs and choose among them the best very difficult task. Each of them carries some part of the story, and absolutely in each there are its most interesting attractions and remarkably beautiful sites for walking.

Let us begin perhaps the Pushkin or Tsarsky village known to the whole world. This suburb is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. His long history began from the moment when during the reign of Peter I, this former Swedish territory was presented as a gift to Empress Catherine Alekseevna and subsequently became a country residence for the royal family.

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But since this place is inextricably linked with the personality of the Great Russian poet, then suburbs began to call Pushkino, although the name of the royal village is often used still and still. The town is incredibly green, because it contains as many as six parks. The most interest among travelers, of course, represents the Ekaterininsky Park and, of course, the same palace in which the amber room is located. Although it disappeared almost without a trace after World War II, but the description was restored in the most thorough way. And of course, here you have to visit the famous Tsarskoye Lyceum, in which Pushkin, Decembrists and many famous personality of that time were studied.

Pavlovsk - the next suburb of St. Petersburg is primarily known for its delightful park and an equally beautiful palace. All this was created here at the lifetime of Emperor Paul I. Actually this place was his beloved brainchild. Conditionally everything is divided into two parts - to the parade with the palace and other historical buildings, and on the forest, in which you can stroll through the most real forest paths and on the way to meet the protein and different birds. In summer, tourists are offered to ride in the park on the true three horses.

Of course, Peterhof or Petrodvorets or the capital of fountains is considered the most majestic and most possibly most faithful suburb of St. Petersburg or the capital of fountains. He has a lot of names. Peterhof, based on Peter I, became a real symbol of the victories of the Russian Empire for her way out to the shores of the Baltic Sea, well, and after almost two hundred years, he served as a summer residence for the imperial family.

The suburb is primarily famous for its wonderful parks, the very first place among which is occupied by the palace and park ensemble Peterhof. By their scale and amazing beauty, the fountain park complex is superior to many others in the world. Its essentially can be compared, perhaps only with the French Versaille.

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In addition to him, in Peterhof, you can also visit the Museum Complex "Islands", which was created at the order of Emperor Nicholas I for his wife and daughter. It must be said that these artificial islands strongly resemble country houses and villas of southern Italy of the eighteenth century period. Well, for children, a particular interest is visiting Alexandria Park with its various interactive excursions, quests, creative workshops and master classes for children of different ages.

Lomonosov's city was also laid during the reign of Emperor Peter I. These territory then the king presented his favorite Alexander Menshikov, well, according to the park, respectively, the park and built the palace. Only in those days the suburb was called differently - Oranienbaum. It translates into Russian as an "orange tree". The palace-park ensemble called "Oranienbaum" consists of the upper and lower parks, as well as from the palace itself, which, according to experts, even exceeds the Peterhof Palace in its luxury.

The city-fortress Kronstadt, which is also a suburb of St. Petersburg, since the times of Peter I occupies the most important place in the naval business of Russia. It was always closed for visits to the place, and from 1996 to Kronstadt allowed excursions. This city is also a UNESCO World Heritage, well, a dam is associated with St. Petersburg.

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The main number of urban monuments is related, of course with maritime. Special attention should be paid here to the Nikolsky Cathedral, which has become a real guide lighthouse for sailors. All practically the decoration of the cathedral is made exclusively in the marine subject. A very interesting monument of the mind and seven Peter I is a Petrovsky dock, which was designed by his order by Dutch engineers in order to repair ships in urgency.

If we talk about the most remarkable suburbs of St. Petersburg, then you should not forget about Strelna. Its palace-park ensemble was also created in life and at the direction of Peter I. Then it was a parade residence for the imperial family. A large stone palace was erected here and parks broken. Later, this complex belonged to the Grand Princes of the Romanov family. During the war, the palace and the park were greatly injured, but after 2000 there were serious reconstruction and large-scale restoration work. Nowadays, the Konstantinovsky Palace is the summer residence of the President of Russia.

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