Madame Tussao Museum in London


Madame Tussao Museum is located in the fashionable area of ​​London called Marylebon. It can be said that today this museum is one of the symbols of the UK capital, along with such sign attractions like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park and many others. But unlike others, this museum is called a landmark with the "human face", and more precisely - then with the thousand people.

This museum exhibits wax figures of the most famous figures of both past eras and now living. It must be said that in the halls of this museum is always a place for all practically ascending stars of politics or art. Moreover, it all happens very quickly - the person will not have time to celebrate the success of the premiere film or a victory in the elections, as in the blink of an eye, his figure is already installed in the museum to the huge joy of fans and fans.

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Maria Tussao, and at the birth of Anna Maria Grosholz was born in 1761 in Strasbourg in a very poor family, and her father died shortly before her appearance to light. Her mother at that time worked as a housekeeper from Dr. Cortis, who was just engaged in the manufacture of wax figures. Mary gladly watched all his works and later became his student.

The first with what the visitors of the Museum of Wax Figures Madame Tussa are faced - this is with a huge queue. But you should not be very upset, even if you got into a huge and seemingly endless queue, you will go to the museum about 30-40 minutes. All visitors at the entrance meets the figure of an elderly woman in black apparel, thin, with a good face and with round glasses on the nose. In fact, this is the self-portrait of Madame Tussao, made by her Samulatically from wax at that time when she was 81 years old. She seems to meet all visitors to his museum and invites them to enter.

The museum consists in essence of several thematic halls, according to which the exhibits are actually placed. Quickly run on it will not work, you need at least two or three hours. Figures in the museum are so noteworthy and distinctive that you want to take a picture of each other, and even make a joint photo. Of course, the oldest figures made personally most of Madame Tussao are of particular interest.

Here you can see William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II with his wife Prince Philipp, Princess Diana with sons and many of many others. In the second half of this room, the figures of people who had enormous influence on the course of history - Winston Churchill were settled. Adolf Hitler, Indira Gandhi, among them there are also existing politicians of our time.

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The most possibly popular hall in this museum is the so-called "horror room". Of course, it is better not to go to the future mothers, children under 12 years old and people with an unstable psyche. Among the exhibits collected here, you can see the most gloomy and sometimes frankly bloody pages of our story. The weapons of medieval torture, severed heads, figures of maniacs and attacked murderers - that's what you can see in this room.

In order to add even more adrenaline when examining this room, the Museum staff, dressed in all black, appear suddenly, as if nowhere will have enough visitors for their hands. If it is a woman, then a loud screech on the whole hall can be said guaranteed. Some particularly bold tourists energize the desire to stay overnight at the museum to gain even more acute sensations. Such a service is worth a thousand pounds sterling. They say that those who want more than enough.

There is a separate hall in the museum dedicated to music and musicians. Here on the solesterus, the Liverpool Four Beatles, Freddie Mercury and Robbie Williams, in the company with Beyonce and Jimmy Hendrix, seemed to be frozen in anticipation of the applause, placing Domingo aristocratically away from everyone, and here Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake and many other stars .

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In the next hall called "List Party A" All World Celebrity - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, George Clooney, David and Victoria Beckham, Leonardo Di Caprio, Robert Patsson, Jennifer Lopez and others. A separate room is highlighted for movie fans, it is called "Night of the Premiere". Here you will immediately see Arnold Schwarznegher in his star roles of the Termist, Michael Douglas, Harisson Ford, Jim Kerry and many others.

Did not forget in the museum and about bright stars of Film Studio Bollywood - Aishvaria Paradise, Salman Khan, Amitabha Bachchan, Mathuri Dixit, Shahrukhka Khan and Richita Roshan. By the way, the last character most often kiss fans. Next to the figures of the real heroes were also used to be animated - Spiderman, Shrek and Hulk.

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