Sea, sun, sand is all Ayia Napa


I have long wanted to visit Cyprus, especially in the resort of Ayia Napa. I heard many flattering reviews. For lovers of noisy life, fun and, of course, a snow-white sandy beach, this city has a special appeal. Unfortunately, I could not taste all the charms of stay in Ayia Napa, but I appreciated the fruit and the sea. The resort is very small, I would even say compact. In the first morning, welcoming Cypriots were treated with honey watermelons, juicy olives and sweet kick-cololum. Drinks were included in the price of our stay at the hotel, and even alcoholic. To begin with, we decided to examine the beach, although the hotel pool was also cool (water is just colder only).

Ayia Napa Beach is a miracle. As written in the title is the warm sea, a paradise atmosphere, white or even gentle peach sand, well, and of course, affectionate sun. The beach did not disappoint us. In the next for us we went on excursions. Particularly liked the trip to Paphos. This city is probably the complete opposite of Ayay-Napa, because the beach is not safe there. There are cut corners leading in the rocky sharp shore. Also, it is believed that in Paphos is inhabited by unsafe sea fauna. I was pleased with the tour of the archaeological excavations, which remained from time immemorial. Preserved ancient layout, ruins of typical Cypriot houses and an amphitheater.

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On the way, they were still looking at the local museum of wax figures. That's what I did not expect to see there! In the evenings in our hotel there were mass games, shows, views. So they dragged us so much that she had not yet wanted to walk somewhere. Although, as already said Ayia Napa is full of discos, nightclubs and restaurants that work without holidays and breaks. In one of these restaurants, we looked at the third day of stay. The kitchen was Italian. She did not disappoint us. Carbonara paste was just your fingers license! There is a resort and a restaurant of Russian cuisine. It also sounds music until morning. By the way, here is the century-old oak - Sicamora and a small chapel, which stores the relics of famous saints.

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Well, I think this is enough to want to go to Ayia napa. Good luck and warm backway wind!

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