The main sights of Venice in one day


Venice is definitely truly amazing, magical and unique city. It is worthy of close attention and long acquaintance, but what to do, if you have everything about everything about everything only one day? It is not necessary to despair, because even for such a small time, you can still get acquainted with the most important attractions of this delightful Italian pearl.

You can download a ready-made route with an audio guide in Venice and boldly go on a trip. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that Venice is a city located on the water and must certainly be paid in its dense chart at least a brief walk along the Grand Channel - the most important water artery of this city, which shares it into two parts.

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The Grand Canal stretches from the Railway Station itself and to the famous San Marco Square, and there are over two hundred of the most luxurious Palazzo, which is best photographed from water along its shores. You can make such a walk on a comfortable river tram.

When you are on the tram to reach San Marco Square, then this place will actually be the beginning of your travel in Venice. In fact, it is this area and gave rise to the formation of the city. It was here in the ninth century in a small cathedral delivered the relics of the apostle Mark from Alexandria. And here they remained for eternal storage. In addition to the actual St. Mark's Cathedral on the square, a 99-meter bell tower is of particular interest, from which a stalking view of the city opens.

Here on this square, in view of its convenience, the very first government house was built - the Palace of the Doge. The palace was laid back in the ninth century, but the amazing building that you can see now was built only in the sixteenth century. As you arrived in Venice for one day, it is unlikely that you have enough time to visit the palace, and you need to book tickets there in advance. Therefore, it is worth postpone his visit until the next arrival.

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Next, you have to walk along the embankment of the Schiavoni, in which you are directly falling to the Church of the San Crow, in which the relics of the father of John the Baptist are stored - Saint Zechariah. It should be noted that it is possible to talk about the Venetian churches indefinitely for a long time, because only one tiny patch of the Venetian lagoon is also built a hundred fifty, and each of them is actually the most real masterpiece of architecture, inside of which the priceless canvases and frescoes are located.

When you walk through the narrow and unusually winding streets of Venice, you will not be able to not notice a huge number of bridges, which are a total of over four hundred. Even through the Grand Canal, the whole four bridges permanently. By the way, the very first bridge that was thrown through the canal is Rialto Bridge. Now it is also considered one of Venice's business cards.

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And right behind the bridge, the Rialto market is almost located, the most noisy and most famous in Venice, which is also considered an informal attraction of the city. Do not forget about numerous art galleries of the city, because it was here that such famous Italian masters as Titian, Bellini, Tintoretto, Carpaccio and many other masters belonged to the famous Venetian School of Painting. Perhaps the largest collection of their work is collected in the Gallery of the Academy, in which work is presented from the thirteenth and to the eighteenth century.

Also also pay attention to the Nice Museum of Fine Art, located in Palazzo Ka 'Rezzonico. In addition to the Venetian art of the eighteenth century, there are from life of prosperous Venetians - luxurious furniture, sculptures, interior items, clothing and accessories.

In medieval Venice, the monasteries and churches were charitable organizations that collected donations to their needs. They were called Sukola and there were eight in the city. Ploy at least one of them - San Rocco, which is under the Cathedral of Santa Maria-Gloriozi Dei Frari. In the sixteenth century, her walls were painted by such a well-known master as Yakolo Tintoretto and, in their amazing beauty, it can be compared unless with the Sicastine Chapel in the Vatican.

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