Useful information about the holiday in Antalya.


Antalya is the largest resort town on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey with the official population of more than a million people, of which only the Russians make up more than 50,000. The total number of immigrants from the former USSR living in Antalya are many times more. This is not surprising that many people say or understand Russian. If you have knowledge of English, it will additionally help you in communicating, as many locals, especially young people, speak English.

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Resting in Antalya is worth thinking about relationships with your relatives and friends in the homeland. If your mobile phone is not registered in Turkey, then within a few days it will be blocked and you will not be able to call it. This is done to combat smuggling phones on the territory of Turkey. Therefore, to always be in touch, you must either register the phone, paying a certain amount of money, or buy the phone here in place. If you do not have such a need, you can call abroad from payphones, buying a card in any supermarket or cellular salon. Not depending on your stay, whether it is a hotel or rented property in one of the complexes, almost everyone has the Internet to which you can connect via Wi-Fi. Just need to get the code from the administrator.

Calculated in stores and markets are better in Turkish currency, so if possible, exchange some of your funds on Turkish lira. In Antalya, a large number of exchange offices is located in the region of the Old Town, that is, in the center. For those who stopped in the area of ​​Konyaalta, difficulties may arise with the exchange, since at the moment there are practically no exchange offices in this area, for this it will be necessary to go to the center.

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Resting independently, just in case it is better to think about insurance at home in my homeland, as medicine is not cheap in Turkey. Take a first-aid kit with the necessary medicines to do not suffer in a pharmacy with an explanation of the drug that you need, since many medicines have other names, and staff in pharmacies does not always know Russian. For avid smokers and fans to overturn wine, it is worth considering that tobacco products and alcoholic beverages in Turkey are expensive, so in order to save it is better to stock this strategic product from home or in Duti Frya Airport.

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While resting at the hotel, use cells for storing valuables. Theft in hotels is not a frequent phenomenon, but all the same, single cases are, therefore it is better to be restrained. Small tips for the maid also guarantee some safety of your items and values.

Moving on public transport, the calculation is made at the bus input. Local residents mainly use a special card on which cash and which, when entering transport, are removed from the card using a special device to which it is applied. The use of this card gives an advantage in its frequent use, that is, if within 40 minutes you use the card again, then from the balance is not the complete fare and with a specific discount. But for vacationers in Antalya in such a card there is no need. The fare in the city bus is two Turkish lyters or one dollar.

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When traveling on long-distance routes, such as Kemer or another settlement, the calculation is made at the output. The price for the passage hangs in a prominent place and is scheduled both in Turkish lies and in dollars and euros. It is better to produce the calculation in the lirah, since in the currency it turns out more expensive. Stops both for urban transport and intercity exist, but in order to sit on the bus enough to raise your hand anywhere and the driver will gladly stop the bus. Smoking in buses, as in any room, including restaurants, is prohibited in Turkey. For this violation, a penalty in the amount of 69 lire is about 35 dollars. Therefore, if during dinner in a restaurant or cafe you want to smoke, then choose a table not indoors and on the terrace.

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When calculating purchases, try to check the correctness of the delivery. Some enterprising sellers have a habit of mischieving some of the money. In Antalya, food markets are moving and on this in each area of ​​the city of Bazar works on a specific day of the week. Staying at the hotel or rental accommodation, find out the locals or experienced tourists the location of the bazaar in your area and the day of the week to which it will work. For example, in Konyaalti in the region of Liman, the bazaar works on Tuesdays from 8 am to 20 pm.

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Men's half in Turkey is not indifferent to the female sex and sometimes shows very high attention. If you are not satisfied with such an annoying courtship, then as they say chop immediately a man, that he does not interest you as a man and the question will be exhausted. If this does not help, then tell me that your husband is the Turk and if the annoying recycle does not fall off, then he has a chance to have additional problems. This acts in a hundred percent of cases.

Locals are quite friendly and responsive people, I can always help and prompt. Attitude towards foreigners good. In terms of crime, Antalya is quite calm, so you can walk until late at night for security.

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