Attractions Tula: What to see in one day


When someone mentions the name of the old Russian city of Tula, first of all the gingerbreads first come to mind, then samovars and then weapons. That is, everything is what the city has been famous from a long time. But if you arrive here, of course you will be amazed at how interesting places, hysterical monuments and various attractions.

The main attraction of Gorda is certainly his Kremlin, which was built in the sixteenth century to protect against the Crimean Tatars of the direction to Moscow. Here, in the seventeenth century, the first Lhadmitry took guests, but already after half a century, about the Kremlin lost its former value and became just a monument of history and architecture.

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In 1987, the ODU in Tula was opened a zoo, and more precisely the exotarium. At first it was a little more than one hundred different animals, but then he began mainly specializing in reptiles. And then the symbol of this institution was the dinosaur - the most memorable and brightest of all reptiles. Perhaps in no zoo of Russia it is impossible to see such a huge number of snakes. Every year, the exotarium visits just a huge number of people.

In Tula, you must certainly visit the museum called "Necropolis Demidov". In ancient times, this surname sounded almost all over the country and even on the whole world. But this memorial complex was opened only in 1996 during the celebration of the anniversary of Nikita Demidva.

Since the city of Tula in the sixteenth century was fulfilled the role of a defensive border, then it naturally felt a tremendous need for weapons. In addition, literally near the city there was a rich deposit of brown Zheleznyak, from which metal was paid. And since 1712, a weapon plant began to work in Tula, built here on the personal indication of Peter the first. In Tula, it is necessary to visit the State Weapon Museum, where since the foundation of the plant, the most beautiful and rare weapons samples were left.

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Of course, it is completely unforgivable, having visited Tula not to try her famous gingerbread. And even better go and visit the Special Museum dedicated exclusively to this very gingerbread. After all, in essence, the "gingerbread" as it was and remains real art. You will see samples of gingerbread products manufactured at the wedding, for commemoration, as a gift or, for example, dedicated to various historical dates.

Also, do not forget about the Museum "Tula Samovars". This museum is relatively new, since it opened in 1990. But sample samples themselves began to collect in a few centuries before. And then they were kept in historical and architectural and in literary museums. Today, all exhibits are placed in the halls of the museum.

You should also not forget that the Kulikovo Field is famous for the whole of Russia near Tula. Here, in fact, they still find the details of weapons, armor and crosses. In the nineteenth century, at this place, it was made forever to perpetuate the memory of Russian heroes. The first was erected by a monument to Dmitry Donskoy, and a little later appeared the temple of the Nativity of the Virgin and a monument to the inspirer of the Kulikov battle Sergia Radonezh.

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Try to break out a short time from Tula and go to the famous Clear Polyana, the benefit is not so far from the city. There is probably the most famous literary museum of the famous writer Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy in Russia. The childhood of the writer was held in this estate, and then he lived here with his wife and children. He was buried here.

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