Beaches Agadir


In Morocco, we went together with our girlfriend, they themselves planned the route on buses, booked hotels and riad.

Crazya yes? Two girls alone in Africa. Morocco is a secular state, tourists there safely!

So our route: Casablanca - Fes - Marrakesh - Agadir - Essuaire - Casablanca Here I will tell about the beaches Agadir.

In Agadir, we arrived for 4 days to relax to relax from an exciting and colorful travel in Africa, soaked on a warm sand and finally swim in the ocean. Booked the usual city hotel 5 minutes from the beach. Hotels here for every taste and wallet, from budget to Lukhari, such as Clubmed, located directly on the beach.

Municipal beach in Agadir.

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In November, the heat in Agadir usually goes to the decline, and the air temperature is on average + 26 + 28 degrees, we were lucky more than + 30 + 32. Water in the ocean is still warm, you can swim by hours, especially since the beach in Agadir, clean swim is one pleasure! But there is one but! At the very beginning, I wrote that Morocco is a secular state, and so it was, before the start of the beach rest. There is some kind of urban beach, it's just a tin, like an agadir tourist city and swimsuit on the beach there will not be surprised there, but you just don't let you go , everyone needs to meet, take a picture of the sophisticated, well, just a circus with macales!

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In the evening, in Agadir, you can walk along the promenade next to the beach and ride on the attractions in the same place, walk to the city center is a kind of corner of Europe here, visit the zoo and local shops in search of souvenirs.

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When surfing in Agadir, they mean not the city itself, but two small neighboring villages in the semi-hour ride to the north of the city - Tamra and Tagazut. All schools, camp surfs and sides are there. The district has more than 20 spots with absolutely different waves for all levels of surfers. If you are, as we travel yourself, and not with a surfscam, it is more convenient and cheaper to live in agadir and ride on Spot (a transfer is organized by schools). Because In the villagers themselves, where the camps are based on a lot of nothing.


Legger is a small village in 2 hours drive from Agadir. To get here to rent a car, you can use public transport (this is long and 2 transplants) you can find an excursion that we have done for 20 euros per person, transfer to Legus, free time and back in the amount of hours 8. On the way we drove on Cactus plantations and ride camels.

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The famous arches go to the legple. The stone arches towering over a deserted beach were formed for thousands of years with marine currents, tides and lowers. Rocky rocks surrounding the leggings, in the rays of the sunset sun acquire saturated orange and terracotta colors, casting the metallic shades of the ocean of the ocean.

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Previously, there were 2, but in 2016 the most beautiful collapsed under the influence of waves, and now there is stones on this scene. Little arch, although not so elegant, still attracts enthusiastic views of tourists. I was a little regardless of myself. That's how to stand under the arch, enjoy the beauty of the creations of the nature and power of the powerful ocean, to make beautiful photos, make a desire again, and then suddenly remember that even more than a year ago, on the left, about kilometer, was The same beautiful arch, and then took and broke, immediately wanted to escape from there, hide from the element.

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Tell about the rest of Morocco?

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