Is it worth going to Prague?


Different opinions

Communicating with different familiar, I often heard such a point of view: "Fu, Prague is the territory of the former Czechoslovakia. They are all on the fight against the scoop and the sullen they are there everything. You will not get any joy from traveling, resting in the city with such weightless people, who are disgusting to the Russians. "

In fact, I do not quite understand where such an opinion came from. If with the Baltic countries, like Latvia and Lithuania, everything is more or less clear: the policies of something there are divided and generously supply the media by low-grade stories about their advantage. And people on the basis of these stories imagine special "tomato-pointed" detachments that meet every tourist from Russia right at the station. But about the Czech Republic and about Prague, in particular, it seemed to have been said anything like that for a long time!

Maybe I'm too thought on the tree spread, so I come back to the original topic.

During my travel, I was convinced that the inhabitants of Prague in the mass of their very friendly and pleasant people, in any case, in relation to tourists. I remember, coming out for the first time from the tourist bus, I, rearrangement of the suitcase, put some kind of passerby, and it hurt so hard. What do you think there was next? I still did not have time to turn to him, to say something like "sorry" when he already apologized in front of me. For what? For the fact that I got it! Actually, in such an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect with local residents, each of my voyage in Prague is held.

Is it worth going to Prague? 2977_1

"And what is the sea?"

I do not want anyone to be offended to offend, but there are no cases when they are asked: "Prague? And what is the sea? " =) At first, it caused me a storm of indignation, but then I just began to smack in a fist and answer: "Well, how is Czech, of course! It consists entirely of beer - from there the famous Czech foam drink and swing. " People for this answer for some reason they are offended ... So! The sea in Prague, as well as in the whole Czech Republic, no!

Let's go further. Prague is an old city, half of which are completely monuments of architecture. It so happened that during the Second World War it was not bombed in sins (more precisely in the rubble) either our nor enemies, and it is almost not damaged (in any case about many other cities) remained the same as it was. Her historic part spread out on the two shores of the Vltava River, and it is possible to wander there very and very long. To me with my standard speed of 5 - 7 km / h on foot it took 3 days, just to get around everything, look at the right and left.

The main tourist party is located in the Prague area, which is on the right bank of Vltava. It is in general, and understandable. The whole city stands on huge hills, for which it is sometimes very difficult to climb, the only area of ​​the old part of the city, where the streets do not have brutal drops of heights, - just that this Prague-1 is just. There are most shops and taverns, cafes and shops, always very crowded, so sometimes you just do not push around.

Walking through Prague can be infinitely long. The entire atmosphere of this city charges on a positive, calm mood. And during walks you can always find a cozy place to go to "read" standard coffee or delicious Czech beer.

I absorb beautiful

(not about beer)

Another reason to go to Prague - theater Laterna Magica. The theater troupe gives many magical performances on the new stage of the People's Theater, and they communicate with the audience the actors not in words, but the tongue of the body and gestures, throwing out the linguistic barriers to the dump.

Is it worth going to Prague? 2977_2

Neither "BE" N n "ME"

By the way, about language barriers. I am everywhere and communicated with everyone on my weak "Pijn-Inglishe" and I understood well well. Sometimes there were places (cafes, shops), where they understood and in Russian, but still the knowledge of the Russian language in Prague is not common everywhere. And since our languages ​​(Czech and Russian) are very similar, sometimes I could say something on Czech, I could respond in Russian - and we understood each other perfectly.

Burned in Prague?

Finally, I will note that from Prague to be aimed at different excursions to other cities. And this is not only Czech, but also German, and Austrian, I have seen even 2-day tours to Paris. Given the "median" location of the Czech Republic between Germany and Austria, I can recommend going first to Prague, and then dedicate for several days to visit other countries.


Prague is suitable for:

- lovers of urban romance;

- lovers of leisurely rest for the charm of beer;

- connoisseurs of art.

Prague is not suitable for:

- parents with young children;

- for beach lovers =)

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