Vacation in Kazakhstan - how to get there and what to see


Five republics of the former Soviet Central Asia are an interesting tourist destination. They will suit fans of outdoor activities, such as climbers, as well as those who prefer traveling to get acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage. Each of the five countries after 1991 went its own way and now in the region, compared with the 1980s, there is more variety. Starting his study is best from Kazakhstan. To travel there, it is not necessary to know English, enough Russian. Buy cheap flights or railway tickets, you can buy a shuttle service and book a Ticket site.

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How to get?

You can easily enter the car from neighboring Russian regions without any problems. The distance in the country is huge, the population density is low, gasoline is cheaper than Russian.

When traveling by rail, use valuable lifehak. It lies in the fact that it is necessary to avoid the international tariff in trains between Russia and Kazakhstan. It is worth taking a ticket to Petropavlovsk, as the usual RZD rates apply before it. In Petropavlovsk, you need to transfer the train of the Kazakh formation. The ticket should be purchased on site or online on the website of Kazakhstan railways. The rates are significantly lower than Russian Railways. For 1000 rubles, in a reserved seat of Soviet years to get to Almaty. Such a lifehak with the border crossing does not always work, for example, between Astrakhan and Atyrau, you need to take a ticket for an international bus or a local train.

Faster option - fly by plane. The place of arrival you need to choose some major airport in Kazakhstan: Nursultan, Almaty, Atyrau, Shymkent. Prices of flights depend on the current offer of airlines. Approximately summer, direct flight from Moscow to Almaty costs 8000 rubles.

Attractions and entertainment

The most interesting city of Kazakhstan over the years of independence was the new capital - Astana, which recently renamed Nursultan. An interesting option for holidays is to visit the capital city, which is named after the living person now.

Astana may be interested in tourist with a magnificent modern architecture, a huge railway station and several museums:

  • First President of the Republic. Very interesting - the lifetime museum of the statesman. There are almost no such on the planet.
  • Ethno-memorial. It presents miniatures of the most famous natural objects and buildings of the country.
  • New National Museum. The former remained in Almaty, it is also worth visiting if I want to learn more about Kazakh history and culture.

From Astana in the summer it is worth making a breakdown to the resort of Burabay between the cities of Schuchinsk and Borovoe. There are picturesque mountains and beautiful lakes, a couple of museums and caves.

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After Astana, it is interesting to see the former capital of Kazakhstan of the first years of independence and the Soviet period - Almaty. It is a city on the border of steppes and mountains. It also has several museums, many parks, interesting samples of architecture, such as buildings in the style of Stalinsky Ampire. In Almaty in the 21st century, a small metro from 9 stations was built, and Soviet trolleybuses were replaced by Chinese - a unique case for the former USSR.

On the usual urban bus you can reach the Medeo Sports Complex. The cable car leads to the ski resort of Chimbulak, and then another four cable cars give tourists and climbers to Talgar pass.

In the remaining regional centers of Kazakhstan, attractions, as a rule, are for a one-day walk. For example, in Petropavlovsk, you should visit the Museum of Local Lore and the residence of the Abylai-Khan. In Turkestan, Mausoleum Khoji Ahmed Yasavi and the tomb of Kazakh khanov.

Shymkent is interesting what recently became a millionaire city. Third in Kazakhstan. It has interesting museums and architectural monuments, such as a puppet theater in the former building of the Cathedral.

Atyrau has a reputation in the oil capital and through it the border between Asia and Europe passes. In Aktau, there are beaches on the shores of the Caspian Sea. In addition, you can swim in Cappchage near Almaty.

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