Life and rest on the Cote d'Azur


Cote d'Azur always attracted hundreds of thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. This name is French (as well as the Kingdom of Monaco) the coast of the Mediterranean Sea from the city toulon to the border with Italy. This is the perfect place to relax and housing, so it's not strange why it attracts such a large number of people.

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Rest on the Cote d'Azur

Hundreds of thousands of tourists are visited annually by Cote d'Azur. Here is a huge amount of resorts, and each of them is unique in its own way. Here you can find chic and very expensive apartments or relatively inexpensive accommodation on a small villa in several rooms. You can choose a noisy city or a quiet resort village. It all depends on what type of rest you prefer, and the rest of the taste.

For example, many seek to get to Nice - Mecca Cote d'Azur, because there are full entertainment, a variety of rest and luxurious conditions. But you can find the resort and more compromising, for example, Zhuan Le Pen. Here quietly and calmly, and prices are quite adequate.

The climate in this region contributes to a good rest, so you can not doubt that the vacation will be held in sunny weather. By the way, it rarely rarely come here, and the season lasts from May to October.

Nature is very beautiful and unique. Many interesting places that are just fascinating. The sea is clean and warm, and the beaches are mostly sandy and without stones.

The infrastructure is very well developed everywhere, so everything will contribute to a good rest. In general, almost everyone can go to the Cote d'Azur, because the week of stay in this beautiful region will cost somewhere from 400 euros, and then it all depends on the specific requests of the rest.

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Housing in the azure shore

People who have a good income and were able to braid some kind of capital try to invest it in real estate in this region. It is logical, because many millionaires want to purchase accommodation in one of the most popular resort regions on the continent.

Agree, much more convenient to go to your own house on the Cote d'Azur, than to look for suitable accommodation.

Gorgeous apartments and luxury villas buy secured people from different parts of the world. Many and Russians acquired real estate in France.

For example, you can buy chic apartments for 250000-500000 euros. Of course, not everyone can afford similar housing, but still. Attach money in real estate on the Cote d'Azur - this is actually a win-win version.

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There are a lot of places where large businessmen, politicians, actors, singers and other celebrities live. People of this scale often buy gorgeous villas. For example, the price can start from a million euros and reach up to ten million. It all depends on many factors, but the rates are approximately such.

If there are restrictions on the budget, then you can find a housing much more modest. Now many new buildings are built on the Cote d'Azur. The price of apartments in this region starts from 150,000 euros and can reach a million. It all depends on the area, the prestige of the village and remoteness from the sea.

Most property owners on the Cote d'Azur arrive here only in the holiday season to relax in such an excellent region.

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