Excursions on the roofs of St. Petersburg


Peter is just an amazing city that I want to see from a variety of angles. For example, with ... roofs. Guests of the city are really offered such curious excursions - and what is so attractive in them?

Feel yourself to St. Carlson

And really - a tour of Peter's roofs, read about which is possible on the page https://excurspb.ru/other/roofs/ - this is something incredible. From the highest points of the city, you can not just admire the specified view, but also make the best photos. And from such a dear walk really captures the spirit.

Independently conquer the roof will not work in any way: most of them are under the lock, but also in humans and companies that arrange such tours, there are keys to open the door to the sky. Which, by the way, like everything in this charming city, is completely special.

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A non-standard excursion sometimes assumes the occurrence of non-standard situations, so it is very important to find a trustworthkeeper guide, which will make a walk along the roofs as comfortable and safe as possible. And it would be nice if he turned out to be a talented photographer, because each tourist wants to lay out on his page of photographs that will show where he was.

Neva, bridges and Peter architecture from height look even steeper if it is generally possible. Standard excursion time - about an hour, but during this time the tourist gets more impressions than the usual many hours of sight or walk.

Requirements for excursors

They must be comfortably dressed and shods - this should be considered. Since the guide is responsible not only for the fact that the tourists are impressed, but also for their safety (and you will not call the roof walking with a trivial event), the girl on the twelfthisantimeter studs may simply do not take with them according to the safety regulations. So it's better to immediately wear something comfortable to not be upset.

This is the most important requirement, the second is that they should be listened to guidance instructions and not to expose themselves danger. Of course, not a single guest of Peter fell from the roof during an excursion, but it is only due to the fulfillment of the second requirement. So testing delight is safe!

What tours can be chosen

The most common and affordable is a group option, however, some tourists prefer to enjoy a review alone or with a loved one - individual tours are available to them. They differ in the number of roofs - someone offers to rise to one, from where the best look opens, and someone chooses a variant with several roofs, which are interconnected.

As for the time of holding, the tour of the St. Petersburg roofs can be both day and evening - after sunset, the city literally lights up, so it's impossible to take a look from the surrounding landscape.

To visit St. Petersburg and do not climb one of the roofs in the city center - the present crime that should not be performed. It is better to choose the most attractive version of the excursion and touch the Peter Sky!

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Impressions get closer! In the promotion "At the height", the roof tour will cost you cheaper by 200 rubles with a tour operator "Walking". Specify this promo code on the site (in the comment to order) or name it is a manager by phone - and get a discount!
Excursions on the roofs of St. Petersburg 29723_3

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