Car rental in Spain. Helpful information.


Travel with a breeze!

It is time for the holidays and of course you want to go to the resort countries, but not just to sow on the beach, and also look at the sights. In this case, Spain is perfect. This is a huge number of beaches, and endless attractions with museums. There is something to see, but you need to highlight at this time.

But admit how many times it happened that planning a route around the city, you and half do not have time to look at the allotted time? We are confident that often. We will explain why such precious time is lost, and how to solve this problem in the further article.

Tired of queues on buses, transplanted on the car

Car rental in Spain. Helpful information. 29717_1

Arriving, suppose in Madrid, I want to inspect the exactly every point of the capital, go through the streets, go into museums and just to eat delicious food. Read more to get acquainted with all the sights by reference

But as usual, are you doing the conceived? We can argue that you go to the nearest bus station and go first to the center, then walk on the circumference on foot, then transplanted to another bus and go further. Well, if you carefully calculate the time and will be time for transport, but if not? Then you have to stand and wait the next one. And this is a loss of such precious time. Plus, you will go to a hot salon with many noisy tourists and locals, and they are famous for their expressiveness.

Not the most pleasant location of cases? We know how to help in this situation. The best way out, transfer to your own transport. But it is not necessary to take it from his hometown. It is better to rent a car in Spain, for example, order It is much more profitable and more convenient. First, you will not depend on anyone. It is only necessary to carry out the rules of the landlord, and they are not very complex:

  • have a driver's license and passport with them;
  • Not exceeding the limit of kilometer, otherwise the penalty will be set (but if you know in advance that the limit is not enough, you can purchase additional kilometers at 50% discount);
  • take care of the car and bring it in the same condition that they took;
  • Return exactly on time;
  • Have funds on a credit card for a deposit, which will return later after the day after the completion of the lease.

Car rental in Spain. Helpful information. 29717_2

Secondly, you can choose absolutely any car in the fleet. Models and brands are the most diverse. Therefore, who loves to ride with the breeze, can take a convertible who wishes to conquer the mountains - jeep, etc. And maybe there is a car of your dreams, which I have long wanted to ride? So fulfill your dream. And this is not as expensive as it may seem. Managers will select the most comfortable and appropriate conditions for your requirements and wallet.

Thirdly, you look at an absolutely every point that you wish, and not what will offer a guide. All vacation in your power. But this is exactly what I wanted, right?

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