What do you need to become a bicycle school?


Why cycling?

When I entered the tourism institute before me suddenly opened a whole new world. Before that, I didn't even imagine that there are so many interesting directions of active recreation. Sections were provided with a section on pedestrian, led, water and even speleotourism. But, since it also stayed and learn (and in my case and work), it was necessary to choose something one. Speletotourism for me disappeared due to dislike for closed dark spaces. Water tourism, although incredibly interesting, but demanded some special delivery to the place of start of the alloy, and then the return delivery home (and in the student years, every penny was in the account), was extremely seasonal, the organization of training also looked not easy, and not I really love cold water (and rivers with rapid flow are rarely warm). As the simplest and accessible options remained pedestrian and cycling. The cycling won, because it was not necessary to drag a hiking backpack on his back, and at the expense of a higher speed of movement, he, in my opinion, offered more new impressions.

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We are going to bike trip

The most important component of active tourism is hiking. Of course, now you can go to the bike in light, stopping for the hotel in a hotel or in the private sector. What will save you from a huge part of the Moraoka, but also will deprive you the masses of unforgettable impressions and all the romantics inherent in the "real" campaign. The sex has passed since then, and I still remember our overnight stays in tents and food on the fire.

And so, to start preparation for bike is necessary from the choice of route. If you are a novice tourist, you should not attempt to rush to conquer Karelia, Crimea or Caucasus - you do not appreciate natural beauty, you will simply curse everything in the world - for such trips you need experience and certain preparation. You should not immediately go hiking for a week or two, start with 2-4 nights, perhaps just a small journey through the suburbs of the native city (or the nearest major district center).

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Carefully plan your way, think where you will stop overnight, and where you will stop if for some reason you will not come there. Ideally, for the first time you still enlist the help of the conductor with experience.

During the month, before the trip, it is recommended to "roll", at least "that the distance you plan to drive for the whole hike (and better 2 times more). You do not want to spoil your trip to terrible creparatto and wild pain from contact with a bicycle seat (melted bitter experience, I assure you - you do not want!).

Required equipment

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a bike. Depending on the route, the bike must be mountain, highway or, the easiest hybrid.

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Second - Velorükzak. Make yourself a favor and get enough good veligs sufficient capacity, so as not to carry anything on your back. This trip for a couple of hours, your back will tell you "Thank you". And yet, the choice of necessary things is critical. Backpack, of course, on a bike, but drive it anyway. And if the passes will meet on your way, every extra 100 grams will seem like kilograms.

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It will be necessary to buy a tourist tent. Depending on the number of participants, it may not even be alone. Make yourself a favor and do not save too much - the tent will be your home for the time of the hike. But the tent is larger than you need. You will only spend the night there, but in the afternoon it will have to carry, and overweight to you. It is desirable to charge to carry the tents, like all the whole, heavier gear, strong sex representatives.

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Sleeping bags and tourist mats will be needed with a tent. Sleeping on the rugs is softer, and the cold from the earth can be unpleasant at night. From all sorts of pillows and other things we refused, just stuffing the covers from the bedrooms with their things.

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Further smaller, but no less important things: dishes, a focus for cooking (for example, a gas burner), a first-aid kit, a set of mechanics (you should be able to at least pump / change / put a tire, change / fix the chain breakdown, pull the breakdown Fastening and so on.), A pair of lanterns, vosals, flashers and headlights, clothes and personal hygiene products. Of course, I can write a lot on each of these items, but my post has already been very tightened. If anything, ask - I will answer in the comments.

Successful to you trips, wonderful impressions and a huge bunch of unforgettable memories!

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What do you need to become a bicycle school? 29708_8

What do you need to become a bicycle school? 29708_9

What do you need to become a bicycle school? 29708_10

What do you need to become a bicycle school? 29708_11

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