Opening new islands ... Kos


The idea to visit the island of Kos came unexpectedly: we planned rest in Bodrum, had an open Schengen visa. So why not break our vacation into two parts, one of which is to make Greek?

The first thing we saw when the ferry moored to the shore is a huge queue for passport control. Greeks are those still workaholics. Two guys slowly and impose a passport of tourists, often distracted by a conversation with each other. But after an hour, this barrier was taken, and we set foot on the Earth of the island of Kos.

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On the braid a huge number of beaches, for every taste. But we chose Kefalos Bay. The water in this bay is somewhat colder than in other places, but the amazing color of water, some privacy, as well as the snow-white ruins of the old basilica on the beach Agios Stefanos determined our choice. And also not far from the shore is a small island with a pretty chapel, where you can fuse, armed with a mask or riding catamaran. From there, there are magnificent views of the bay and town.

Taking renting a car, we went to the main city of the island, Kos. This city is an open-air museum. Numerous attractions that remain inheritance from the ancient Greeks and from Venetians, as well as Turks simply impossible to bypass in one day.

After this trip, I recommend everyone on a spit to visit Askletpion - a place where medicine of ancient Greece was originated, as well as the temple dedicated to the god of healing asklepia. Slender columns stretching up, stairs, which seem to be restricted in the sky, thickets of laurel trees and indescribable atmosphere of history, calm.

On the island many accommodation options: hotels, apartments, guesthouses. But we chose a small guesthouse, located somewhat far away from the road. Silence in the evenings we were provided. Fresh wind, a breathtaking smell of flowers and the aroma of coffee, which we enjoyed on the veranda - I will remember the Greek morning. And the Star Night Sky configured the romantic way.

I can not say that Kos forever kidnapped my heart. But I will remember him with warmth again and again, and if I have the opportunity to visit it again, I, without doubting, go to the road.

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