When is it better to rest in Beldibi?


As you know, Turkey cannot be considered a year-round resort. Turkey landscapes are very diverse, the area is extensive, which means that the climate and weather in this country are also very different, and you will always find what you like. There are mountain villages, beaches, and plains. The Beldibi resort is located in the southwestern part of the country, which has a significant decrease in heights that affect the weather, and in these areas the Mediterranean climate is dominated, very pleasant to rest. Although winter here practically does not have negative temperatures, if you are traveling for a beach vacation, I would not advise you to choose this resort in winter and spring, although in travel agencies it is quite possible to find trips to Beldibi at any month.

When is it better to rest in Beldibi? 2947_1

The rest season in this resort, and in general to Turkey, begins early in spring. True, for example, in March, the sea is still cold enough (about 16-17 degrees), but it will be a great time for excursions, sightseeing of Turkey, Safari on Quadracycles, horse safari, especially since the people in these months have not yet been very much . Air temperature in March there + 21c afternoon and + 9c at night. Agree, not very hot. But from April, the swimming season begins in Beldibi. But .. again for brave. Water warms up to +20, the air becomes too warmer, (+ 21-22c), but in general, the weather is not particularly different from Martov. May pleases the sunny day, the air temperature is about + 25c, although the water is still cool. By the way, exactly the same weather is in November. In May, active bloom of vegetation begins, and by the summer, the whole resort is simply drowning in the brightest colors.

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When is it better to rest in Beldibi? 2947_3

When is it better to rest in Beldibi? 2947_4

The most suitable months for a trip to Beldibi can be considered June, July, August and September. The main then tourists rushes to Turkey from the second half of May and fill hotels before October. Temperature from June to September - from +30 and above, it happens +35, occasionally and above! Great time for beach holidays, during which you can get a golden resistant tan. At night, it is also very good, the air is about + 20c, you can safely walk, without fear frozen. There is almost no precipitation in the summer, the temperature of the water in the sea reaches + 26-29C (that is, as high as possible during the entire year) So, as you can see, the ideal conditions for a wonderful rest are. However, I will note that July and August is not the best time to relax for those who have problems with cardiovascular system and high pressure. I would advise these people to choose June and September. September - "velvet" month. The exhausting heat has already slept, but still very warm and comfortable, at night is also warm enough, and the water is still a fire for swimming.

October is as good for vacation in Beldibi, in the afternoon in October at the beginning of the month + 26-27c, the end of October falls to + 22c. October nights also become a little more cool, the temperature may fall to +14, but it is rather by the end of the month. For example, we traveled in the first week of October, and at night it was very warm, it was not necessary to even wear the COFT with long sleeves.

In general, these months can also be considered the best if you are going on vacation with a child. Even the hottest days are very pleasant, it is not stalking Egyptian heat, but a pleasant Turkish sun and a warm sea.

When is it better to rest in Beldibi? 2947_5

As for the winter, the way I already wrote is not the best time to leave in this area. Winter comes to Beldibi at the end of December. First of all, it becomes very cold at night, the temperature drops to + 5-7c. But during the day, of course, the sun shines, and although during the day the day is not so hot (+ 14-15c), the weather is still quite pleasant, and the sky is clean. True, rains happen, sometimes protracted (in major cities of Turkey, rains cause a lot of problems, in particular, rains are the cause of failures in the work of transport), and the sea is often storming, and sometimes the height of waves on the sea ranges from 2 to 5 meters.

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When is it better to rest in Beldibi? 2947_7

But if you are a fan of the skiing, it's time to go to Turkey to ski resorts, such as Paandasken, Kartakaya, Sarykamysh, Uludag or Davra.

When is it better to rest in Beldibi? 2947_8

Almost all resorts season favorable for riding lasts from December to March.

When is it better to rest in Beldibi? 2947_9

True, the tracks are mainly not designed for professionals, and you should not compare these ski resorts with similar in Switzerland or France, but it will really like the beginners there!

As for prices for trips to Beldibi, then, of course, prices are significantly rising in the beach season. The rise in prices begins in June, continues in July and reaches his peak in August. That is, at this time most tourists from all over the world rushes to Turkey. As holidays and school holidays end in late summer, in September, prices for tours are already lower, and then, from October to May, it is possible to surround a completely inexpensive tour. Well, pay attention to the last minute trips. There is such an opportunity to save at any time of the year. You can apply for a travel agency for you to respond when there is a burning inexpensive tour. And there are still firms that specialize only on these burning tours, such as www.cheaptrip.ru/. This site "throw out" well, very cheap vouchers in all points of the globe on any duration and conditions of residence. I once saw a tour to Turkey, if I'm not mistaken, in Antalya, for only $ 50 for 4 days with the flight included and breakfast. Yes, yes, miracles are! True, such super-budget trips are bought instantly, so, you need to be alert. So, cheap and efficiently can always relax, the main thing is, just searching well, and, and, have time to collect a suitcase!

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