Comfortable rest in the genic


We rested last summer in the genic day in June. We usually go to the Sea of ​​Azov in July or even August, but since we were weekend we decided to go and June. I thought the sea would be cold. But in fact, the sea was warm, even hot in the sun, so it was necessary to sunbathe up to lunch or even after 5 pm, and otherwise it was possible to burn.

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Rested in the boarding house at the beginning of the Arabatka arrows. It must be said that at the beginning of the arrow the sea is very small, so if you want to go with the children, then this part of the arrow will fit. If you eat young people or only adults and love to dive at depth, it is better to choose the boarding houses closer to the village of Rifle.

From entertainment on Arabatka Arrow there is a very large aqua park, dolphinarium, safari park, hot spring, salted lakes, rides, trampolines, banana riding, etc. But it must be borne in mind that all these entertainment is stretched throughout the arrow, and this is somewhere 10-15 km, so you need your own car or you have to use a taxi service. There are practically no buses. There are only a few flights that are extremely rarely "Genichesky-Rifle".

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This year we visited a hot spring, the entrance is paid 5 UAH. Adult, children and pensioners for free. There are no conditions for the hot source. For what takes money is not clear. There are two broken shops and trash.

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Opposite the source has a large market. This year, the market was created, made large comfortable shops, space for snacks, a tap with drinking water, a paid toilet. On the market you can buy different souvenirs, decorations, clothes, swimsuit, and all seabeds: circles, mattresses, etc. Also on the market there is one cafe with oriental cuisine, there are very tasty pasties, but there is always a big line. Also on the market you can buy any fish: fresh, smoked, salty. Also, the market is always in a large number of fruits and vegetables, in the morning you can buy milk and homemade eggs.

We visited this year on the Pink Lake.

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There is very fine, it is not possible to swim, but you can take salt and dirt for free. Therefore, people go there with buckets and shovels. Water is really pink, very salty, oily sensations, it looks like water in the Dead Sea. There you can make very beautiful photos, it's not difficult to drive there, you can ask anyone else's way. At the same time, there you can look at the local attraction - a destroyed salting plant. According to history, it was here that "Chumatsky Shaty" was held, where the Kozak came for salt.

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In a word, rest in the genica on the Arabatka arrow is good, it is not a resort under the palm trees, of course, but the sea is warm, the beaches are clean, go and see something. We go here every year, because I think this is the most suitable resort for recreation with children.

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