Barcelona in February with children


We spent 4 wonderful days in Barcelona in February. We went with two children 4 and 8 years. I wanted to see the city without a crowd of tourists, to warm up in the sun, see something new. I was here in summer, the winter Barcelona is a little calmer, the traffic jams are smaller, but people are as satisfied and fun. The city is warm, saturated with paints, with paradoxical architecture and a very beautiful port.

We went to the famous Barcelona aquarium, at this time of the year there is much freer, you can see the sea beauties not because of the heads of tourists.

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It was very warm, more than 200 seconds could be walking without outerwear. In general, to visit museums and inspection of the city, winter is much better than summer - it is very warm, few people and most of the attractions are working as usual.

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In my opinion, this is one of the most convenient for a trip with the children of cities - here really to combine children's entertainment and parks with a sufficiently rich museum program. From the "adults" museums, children were more interesting in the Picasso Museum.

Barcelona numbly combines history and modernity, building from metal and glass look harmoniously, do not destroy the city landscape. The city is eclectic, but the mixing of the genres of the eyes does not cut, it seems logical and completed.

The city is not too clean, many buildings are launched, but it doesn't look neglected, it looks more nervous.

In the center and on the embankment a lot of homeless people who warm in the sun in the most picturesque poses, adding a certain flavor. These guys looked not too friendly, and I, perhaps, was glad I did not understand what they told me.

I really liked the Gothic Quarter, I would gladly repeat a walk. In my opinion, this is the most beautiful part of the city, I liked more here than in the famous Gaudi Park.

Despite the fact that the city beach looks very clean and well-groomed, I would prefer to swim elsewhere - the water looked dirty. Everywhere there are many kindergartens, the streets are made convenient for walking in a wheelchair.

Urban cafe as a whole liked, it was delicious, temperate prices, but products in stores are more expensive than in many other Spanish cities.

Parking in the city a lot, problems leave the car and go to walk did not have any time. Did not like the cyclists - of course, it's great that there are many bicycle tracks in the city, but they fly out at all observing the rules go through the sidewalks, not much taking care of the comfort of pedestrians.

We went to the science museum, and, although part of the exposition was closed, got great pleasure from inspection. Inside there is a very curious zone of a rainforest, with trees, animals, birds and fish.

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In this museum there is a hall dedicated to space research and flight to the moon. The exhibition is very interesting, you can see the layouts of the apparatus, there are good interactive stands.

We rented a car, so it was possible to ride a little around the surroundings, visited the terms in one of the hotels in Caldes de Monbui - at this time of the year in the heated pool and it is possible to swim on the street.

The routes around Barcelona were not overloaded, there were no traffic jams. The junction is simple and understandable, with good pointers.

In general, rest turned out to be interesting and rich, we were how to take the children and managed to have fun.

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