Opening Nha Trangov


Nyachng has long been Russian. Most shops and cafes with restaurants have Russian-speaking raised, waiters and sellers. Elegant hotels, new shopping centers under construction. Can anyone else surprise this resort?

Planning once again to visit Nha Trang, we set an important goal - to make our trip unique and try to understand the soul of this city.

First of all, on the site we booked not a hotel, but a guest house in a cute benevolent family. Located almost on the first line, but on a narrow street, this house allowed to be in silence and far from the bustle of the town.

Nha Trang has always attracted its spacious beaches. This time we decided to have breakfast on the beach. Waking up very early, we went to the sea, bought a sandwich and coffee shopk on the street, sat down on the sand and met warm sunny rays.

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And when waves rose to the sea, they went to the beach in the north of the city. There the waves are much smaller than in the central part.

On this trip, we decided to see the colonial nurse, walking through the streets, to look for buildings built by the French. We visited the Jersene Museum, the Little Museum of Khanhukho Province, went around the Cathedral, inspected the yellow walls and the blue Station Station, and also visited the Institute of Oceanography. When you walk along the street going along the sea, you see, then there are small houses built in French style. They have almost lost among skyscrapers and need to look.

We understood the heart of the French Nlyaang still beats, it can be heard.

The next step is to understand this resort - this is a dive in his soul, in the sea. I recommend this attraction to everyone. It is diving will allow you to see everything that is hidden from most people. This will allow you to enjoy silence and bright colors. We plunged into warm waves, green bubbles, climbing around us, created a feeling of the unreality of what is happening. We enjoyed a feeling of flight and weightlessness.

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It is on this trip that we saw what nurse really. It is bright yellow color, covered with cracks and dark blue shadows. He is winged, like the wind, and bright like a coral flower. It lies the light fly of France, but it already disappears and almost do not see. But only by the fact that this city wants to like everyone. He tries to become noisy, comfortable, offering each tourist exactly what he needs. And, unfortunately, therefore loses its uniqueness.

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