Romance and magic in Chiraly


There are one reserved corner in Turkey, where there is no crowd of tourists, where a wide sandy beach surrounds the green mountains, cutting into the sea ... Here the sea is warm, and the waves are affectionate, here the turtles are slowly crawled here, and huge trees are divided into a meal with people. This was chirali ... Having been once in this place, we return here again and again. After all, there is nothing better than waking up with the first rays of the sun and have a cup of coffee in the shade of pomegranate trees growing in the Garden of the guesthouse in which you stopped.

We live in a big city, so it is vital to spend your vacation in such a place where nature surrounds you, where there is no fuss, and the time freezes at that very moment when the sun is lazy to catch up to the sky.

Of course, that the rest of the best impressions, it is necessary not just to lie on the beach, but also fill the time spent in this place by various adventures. And chirali for this exactly what you need.

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In one day we decided to make a campaign on the famous Lycian trail. We had a choice of two routes: the first - through the mountain chimeras towards the village of Ulupnar, the second - along the sea to the coal bay. We decided to try all the options.

And once, in early in the morning, we went in the direction of Ulupnar. What is interesting this place? And the fact that there are restaurants in which they prepare a delicious trout. Throughout the trail, there are indexes, it is impossible to get lost, but we have a navigator with them, just in case. The path looped among the rocks, among the coniferous trees, we passed through small streams and even met the blackberry thickets until they reached the end point. There are many restaurants in Ulupnaar, where tourists are brought to tourists, so prices here are appropriate. But there are small family cafes, where for the price of half a smaller, you will prepare delicious fish. Of course, they are not so beautiful, but soulful and cozy. When we returned to Chiraly, then the first thing we did is fell into sea water. We who fucked by the Sun seemed to be salvation.

If the Lycian trail go along the coast (when you stand back to the sea, then right), then you can see the most beautiful and secluded bays. People are brought here on excursion boats, and we reached our feet. There are also signs everywhere. Rocks, tearing into blue water, the sea, which, as a big clumsy beast, rolls on the stones and crawl back - it is worth seeing with its own eyes.

Also in Chiraly, you certainly need to rise in the evening at sunset to climb the chimeras to arrange a small picnic in this mystical and magic-filled with magic and history. The main thing is not to pay attention to other people.

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What attracts us for so many years chirali? By the fact that if you want civilization, restaurants, music, you can go towards Olympos, and you will see all this. And if you want privacy, nature and silence, then your choice is the side closest to the mountain chimeras.

And I am sure that I will return to this place again and again to fill in a pacification and restore my strength.

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