Rest in India: Useful Information


First of all, in India, it is desirable to comply with the rules of etiquette, especially to learn also to greet as Hindus. Remember that it is not accepted here as we have when you meet the hands of each other. Hindus folds and the level of the chest or at the level of the head and slightly leans forward the body. At the same time, they usually say "Namaste", which is perceived by tourists as "Hello", but in fact the meaning of this word is much deeper - it means it means "I welcome God."

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When visiting the temples, you must remember the mandatory rule of the right hand - only it can be touched. Then you should be appropriate clothes - ships, knees, and women still have a head. You can only enjoy the temple. If it is unacceptable for you, you can wear any disposable or old socks, and then throw them away.

If you for example were invited to visit some Indian family, then you should know that in this country it is not customary to walk with empty hands. Although some trifle, but you need to give. For adult family members, fruits or sweets are quite suitable, for children toys and always a good gift will be the souvenirs that you brought from your native country.

Try not to be late since the local population, oddly enough in these issues, is distinguished by punctuality. Be sure to remove the shoes before entering if the owners themselves will not offer you not to do this. Do not forget that the guest in India is like God and therefore even in the poorest family will take it with all the honors.

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Mainly in India, it is customary with his hands, so and from tourists here are usually expected the same. So try to keep your hands constantly clean and do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Also remember that there is only an right hand in India, since the left is traditionally considered unclean.

Do not forget that in this country it is absolutely not accepted by pork and even more than beef, and indeed the bulk of the population adheres to the food principle of vegetarianism. Therefore, beware of expressing some of your sharp judgments about this. If you are visiting, then leave some food on a plate if you have already founded, otherwise the owners, seeing an empty plate will think that you are still hungry. And the guest to feed here is considered a sacred business.

As for communication, then consider what to show our feelings on the street with people with people of the opposite sex even if they are in marriage in India is considered a sign of bad tone. And do not be offended by the fact that the Indians are very curious, they have a mentality. They can easily ask you about the family, and about work and even wages. And they will sympathize with you if you are not married. So do not be surprised.

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According to public life standards in India, it is not customary to photograph in airports, near military institutions and in temples. And then remember that it is primarily adopted with the head of the company and with the senior family members. If the Indian himself will give you a hand for greeting, then you can shake it, but it's not worth doing this. And yet - when you speak goodbye before leaving, you need to do this with each member of the family (company) separately.

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