Useful information about the holiday in Vietnam.


In Vietnam, there are actually a lot of good and wonderful people in fact, which does not interfere with some part of them, it is impossible to deceive tourists. Therefore, in the example of Vietnam, divergence should be studied. But the thing is that the so-called stacked travel agencies are widespread here. Therefore, you can easily sell or do not exist at all or at the best there is such a tour that will not comply with the description.

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In Vietnam, unfortunately, as well as in many countries of Southeast Asia, finesticities, as well as breaking bags and wallets. A lot of scammers are engaged in the fact that they carefully follow the naive and inattentive tourists who, instead of watching things, consider Raven in the district. Therefore, there are all valuable things, especially the chambers and bags to keep in front of them, tightly pressing them to the body. Do not turn yourself into a light target for the extraction of street thieves.

In Vietnam, as in any other East country, it is accepted and necessary to bargain. It is only worth asking a question to the seller about the cost of the goods, as you can immediately notice that it thinks about how much real money can be construed with you. Experienced sellers not only see, but even feel inexperienced buyers literally for the mile.

Therefore, note that the sellers will overestimate the price in advance, knowing that any tourist will bargain with them. The most banal that can be advised here - go for the purchases. Dress up as simple as possible, in any case, try not to look a rich man. You can, for example, before going to the market, pull out all major bills from the wallet and stock only trifle. And then more often to boil it to add that this is all your money. Usually, sellers are not so much sellers at the form of budget buyers.

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Even in large Vietnamese cities, not to mention small, it is customary to go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening. Of course, the work of clubs and bars at night does not stop, but here are shops, restaurants and other organizations usually close at this time. Therefore, if you stopped in a hostel or in a guesthouse, specify how much they close and what to do if you are coming back later.

In Vietnam, such seems to be a simple action as a movement of the road through the street may seem like a real test. In fact, pedestrian crossings are designated here, but in essence it does not mean anything. Even when you step on the transition, you should not wait for the flow of motorbikes right there before you stop. And then you have to go to your own risk.

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Therefore, the good advice is to lift the right hand up and start slowly moving across the street. In this case, the drivers are somehow oriented, but only continue moving around at a slow pace and do not make sharp movements. In no case, do not try to taper, better move in a straight line. Just do not move in this way the road to big buses, because they slow down much more difficult. The Vietnamese themselves in general never raise their hands when moving, probably they are kamikaze in life. But tourists such a rule of behavior practiced constantly.

If you are not afraid to buy food on the street, then in any case, try to buy it where it is prepared at open fire. In no case, do not eat purified fruits and raw meat. All this can be quite dangerous. Drink only water from bottles, remember that drinking water from under the crane in Vietnam is not categorically recommended. Her and the Vietnamese themselves do not drink and do not prepare anything from it.

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