Is it worth going with children to rest in Sihanoukville?


Take with me children to rest in Sihanoukville or not, this is a rather difficult question for which every parent must give an answer for himself. On the one hand, these are excellent beaches, good ecology, clean air and the Indian Ocean, but on the other hand, it is necessary to understand that Cambodia, the country is poor, and Sihanoukville still stands from civilization than the metropolitan pendant, with all the consequences that arise. But probably costs everything in order.

To go with children in Sihanoukville stands only in the "high" season, when at least the rain and the weather stands optimal for recreation, in Siaunukville, this period lasts from October, to the end of April. Although many will be able to object to me that in the period of heavy rains there is quite comfortable. Yes, comfortable adults, but for children? Unlikely.

As for the placement of families with children, then again, in my opinion, it is necessary to immediately discard options with guest houses and bungalows, which are there many. Nevertheless, the child implies a slightly greater level of comfort than adults, so it makes sense to choose hotels where there are at least minimal service and comfort. The best option is Sokha Beach Resort, with a complaint of 5 stars. But even accommodation at the hotel does not imply that the child will be interested in it. Animations in the form to which we are accustomed to Turkey or other countries here is not like that. So the child will have to entertain all the time and only you.

Sokha Beach Resort.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Sihanoukville? 2883_1

The mansion is the question of medicine. This is just the main fact that stops many parents. First, in Sihanville, there is no such a full-fledged hospital, more or less complex cases are treated (operated) in the Phnom Pen. For less serious cases, you can also turn to local doctors, but the level of their qualifications leaves much to be desired. This is something like rural paramedics, whose knowledge is approximately equal to the knowledge of a good-level nurse. And not uncommon, when they are any problem that originated in the child is simply written off into acclimatization. Although there is a Russian clinic in Sihanoukville, where people from the former USSR work.

"Ranish clinics"

Is it worth going with children to rest in Sihanoukville? 2883_2

It is not difficult to find at all, because in the city everything knows about it, say taxi driver: - Medica, you will be brought. But only few people can be treated in it, because of high prices. Primary reception from $ 35, which is very expensive by the standards of Cambodia. Accordingly, further treatment will not be cheap.

In general, ride or not to go, in Sihanoukville with children, you decide. I would with children younger than 13-14 years old, would not go.

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