Feel yourself at home in Sunny Breag.


An unexpected for me was a trip to the resort Sunny Beach in Bulgaria. In general, at this time I planned to go to Austria. And all the tickets were already bought, the cost of the bus tour was paid, but, as all travel agencies and tour operators usually happen, at the last moment the trip canceled due to the negligence of the group. But the vacation at work was already agreed and see something new wanted, so the proposal for a weekly rest in Bulgaria under good accommodation conditions was accepted. But he rushed with reluctance and disappointment. Still, I wanted to see as many sights as possible, and by them Bulgaria, although it has, but the choice is not so big. In addition, he drove to the seaside resort, and the sea at this time of year could be still cold and they don't really worry on the beach.

So my doubts about the beach holiday quickly scattered as soon as I went to the beach. The weather was lucky and as! The sun gets already good, so the tan appeared on the first day. And the sea just surprised me. Before that, I often rested in the Crimea and I know perfectly well that in June, even with heat, it does not have time to heat up. And here the sea is not so deep at the shore, so it warmed quickly. In addition, the bottom of the sandy and the hollow. There are no sharp drops of depth. It was a pleasure to swim. In addition, the water turned out to be so transparent that even all the rapanov managed to recount.

But this weather was not long. After 3 days, it went raining and on this beach ended. But it was possible to visit the surrounding attractions - the city of Nessebar, to whom it can even walk along the coast, and the town of Sozopol, where he went on the minibus. Both cities are very similar and are ancient buildings with two-storey houses and narrow streets. The beaches there are also there, so in Sozopol, it was also possible to buy, despite cloudy weather.

In general, while I was looking for where to go and what to see, I found that Sunny Beach is very profitable in terms of transport junction. A lot of buses are departed from the bus station in different directions, both in the resort cities and in such large as Burgas and Varna. So, if you wish, you can see and the usual is not a resort Bulgaria. In addition, it is on the sunny shore that the greatest amount of entertainment for vacationers is concentrated. At every step, there are many cafes and restaurants that in the evening turn into nightclubs and work until the morning. In the area of ​​the beach, many institutions work in the afternoon as bars, and in the evening there are colored searchlights here and music sounds from everywhere. Here on the embankment is full of attractions for both children and adults.

With the purchases of products in the resort, too, there will be no problems. There are so many supermarkets where quite loyal prices and a good choice of products, including Bulgarian products. Here you can also purchase edible souvenirs for relatives and loved ones. This is a Bulgarian wine and crawling, cheeses, spices, bows and other sweets.

And another entertainment in cloudy weather was a walk through the beaches. I must say that there are no restrictions here. The entire coast is open and you can walk freely walk along the seafront. It may be interesting. After the night's night storm, so many interesting seashells and rapanov throws off the shore. Or maybe someone lucky and something valuable to find?

It is also worth added that the beaches on the sunny shore are free. Just for the use of umbrellas and sun loungers should be paid. True, they put them so much that the places where it is possible to spread your rug is not so much and only by the water. Another inconvenience throughout the resort was the lack of areas of recreation and ordinary shops. Want to sit and relax - come in any street cafe, order something and under the sounds of handsome music rest.

In general, I was satisfied with the rest in the sunshine. The main thing that felt here as well as in his own country. Bulgarians say good in Russian and the language itself is close to Russian, so there were no problems with understanding the information. And here it is so politely and consistently belong to tourists, and the prices for everything almost such as at home. I also remember the Sunny Beach with a lot of roses. They grow here everywhere, literally near each building, which is why the atmosphere of comfort felt. So I advise everyone here, especially those who are going to Bulgaria for the first time.

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Feel yourself at home in Sunny Breag. 28633_2

Feel yourself at home in Sunny Breag. 28633_3

Feel yourself at home in Sunny Breag. 28633_4

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