Which resort to choose in Abkhazia?


The resorts of Abkhazia were one of the most favorite places of rest during the Soviet Union: green, blooming, with a clean sea. They loved to come here as leaders who had their residences here and ordinary citizens. Unfortunately, military conflicts have negatively affected the infrastructure of the resorts and the tourist flow, but the beauty of this small mountainous country, its nature, air and the sea remained unchanged.

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Gagand was and remains the main Abkhaz resort: framed by picturesque mountains, with long pebble beaches, with beautiful, though slightly damaged old buildings, with a lush greens of Primorsky Park - no wonder this city was planned to make "Russian Monte Carlo"! True, the city was strongly injured in the early 90s of the twentieth century during the Georgian-Abkhaz War, 20 years have passed, and so far there are some ruins, long-term, dilapidated houses, garbage and dirt - all this in close proximity to the sea ! Abkhazians do not hurt, no matter how sad, bring your city in order. Although the city is really very good. In addition to exciting excursions around the country and the beach, Noschelania, in the season in Gagra you can visit the local water park, flying to Paraglian, make a marine trip or fishing. Another Gagra is the focus of the nightlife of Abkhazia. True, this nightlife reminded me of films from the 80x - entourage, music, the appearance of visitors. Nevertheless, all this is fun and fun - although about trance and electronic music, I think here and did not hear the layers. Prices in Gagra are higher than in other Abkhaz resorts (although it is still much lower than in the Krasnodar Territory), it is especially noticeable in July and August, when most of the holidaymakers come.


Pitsunda is a non-healthy health resort: the focus of sanatoriums and boarding houses. It is located on the territory of the Pitsundsky Reserve, where famous Pitsundsky pines grow. These places are almost not marked by the negative influence of a person, so Pitsunda retained clean therapeutic air and the cleanest water in the Black Sea. The sea here is very calm, the beaches here are also excellent: with pure golden sand. I really liked one beach near the city: deserted, in the bay, with old boats, with magnificent vegetation - straight a copy of some Thai beach, an amazing way that turned out on the shores of the Black Sea. By the way, if you are going to Abkhazia, I advise you to stop in the private sector, such as small private hotels. The number of guesthouses just terrifies: everything remained from Soviet times, and it seems that even bedding too. Prices are the same as in private hotels, but it is not worth it.

Near Pitsunda there is a small village of Lzaaa (or Lidzava). Very beautiful quiet, environmentally friendly place. There are almost no people here, and the beaches are excellent. You can go to the neighboring Pitsunda and then you can then on the minibus. Who souls a calm passive vacation - Ledza will really like, I advise!

New Athos

New Athos seemed to me the most well preserved, cozy and interesting in terms of walking and routes by the resort. On the beauty of natural and man-made new Athos, you can tell a lot to tell what only the New Aphon Men's Monastery, Cave, Primorsky Park and the Anacopian Fortress in the Iverskaya Mountain are worth. Rest here is very calm, measured. Beaches here are pebble, broad, so even in the midst of the season there is no lack of places. It seems to me that New Athos is very well suited for recreation with children. What are just walking along the seaside park and the opportunity to feed the swans, ducks and donkeys living here. Prices in the new Athos lower than in Gagra, but it is very convenient to get to neighboring cities: all the minibuses pass by the city.

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Gudauta drowning in citrus groves is another famous Abkhaz resort, although not as popular as Gaga and Pitsunda. Maybe it's for the better: prices are here below than on other resorts, and guests are a bit even in July-August. I will note and local beaches, they are very good: wide and with a small pebble. In the vicinity of Gudauta, many attractions such as the Abahlock Fortress or the architectural complex in the village of Lohnny, and in the Gudauta itself there is a central park with lush vegetation. You can stay in Gudauta in sanatoriums or in the private sector.


Musser - a small village among the picturesque mountains found with the sea is located between Gudauta and Pitsunda. This place was chosen for recreation, I. V. Stalin. Beaches in Mussere - sand-pebble, the sea is one of the cleanest in Abkhazia. Rest in Mussere is most useful for health, no vain here is a resort and recreational complex. In general, life at this resort is very quiet and calm, come here for relaxes and relaxation.


Here on my subjective view, Sukhum is not at all a beach resort. Yes, it's nice to come here, walk along the embankment, eat (by the way, again on my subjective look, national dishes are best prepared in Sukhum) but swim here and sunbathing! Nevertheless, in Sukhum there is a rather big number of sanatoriums, and among our compatriots, each season with a lot of those who go to the Abkhaz capital, which is ridiculed at PSOU River. Sukhum - the city is very beautiful, but some kind of neglected or something. The buildings are unleashed, sides and benches on the embankment are not painted, in some places there are still traces from the bullets. Would put it in order - would be one of the most beautiful Black Sea cities. However, he is beautiful now, and thanks to Magnolia, palm trees, pine and eucalyptus resembles a garden. In addition to hiking in numerous cafes and marine walks, I advise you to allocate time on a hike in monkey nursery: emotions will be sea in adults and children. Just do not forget to buy a bag with a treat for monkeys - in my opinion, they are not very fed. By the way, those who still choose Sukhum as a place of rest: prices here seemed an order of magnitude lower than in the same Gagra.

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It is necessary or not to go to Abkhazia, everyone chooses for himself. Now she is a few doped, dirty, without special night and day entertainment. But if you like a relaxing holiday among the beauty of nature and away from noisy entertainment, without a crowd of people on the beach, if not confused not repaired roads and sidewalks, located in the neighborhood of unfinished or dilapidated buildings with knocked glasses, then Abkhaz resorts may be quite attractive for summer recreation.

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