Feodosia - Be sure to return here


Crimea always manifes us with her husband, only summer comes, immediately going and go on the road.

This time arrived in Feodosia.

Summer approached the end, it was worth in a hurry to be soaked in the waters of the Black Sea and get rid of the soul. August 2017 presented a lot of warmth, there was no rainy days, everything was done with us as it should not be magnificent.

There were a lot of tourists, the age is the most different, naturally more youth.

We took things at least, why overload yourself in the way.

Set down at the hotel, near the sea, service, cleanliness, all at a decent level. In the room air conditioning, so it is pleasant to relax after the heat.

Satisfied with a swimming and relaxing on the beach, went to study urban attractions. I liked the Museum of money, probably most of all, so much bills I have not seen in life. The Picture Gallery of Aivazovsky left a special impression nice to admire the braes of the master. There are also works of young talents. Entered the church of Saint Catherine, a small, but beautiful church, bought literature and incense in the shop.

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The beach is decent, a lot is offered entertainment: slides, rides, games.

Stormed the market, buying fruit, berries Selecting sufficient, temperate prices. Kushal kebabs, Chebureks. The stores took souvenirs and other trifles for memory. Product prices start 45 rubles.

Dinned in the canteens Average price of 330 rubles, the restaurant cost more - 3200 rubles. Serviced everywhere promptly, clean places.

The husband found himself fun, going to ride a quadrcycle. After we went to the interactive Museum of History, a non-standard spectacle. Considered the exhibits of owls and Filins, the birds had not previously seen in this image. It was worth the entertainment of 400 rubles with two. There were in the water park, I love to be here, so no rest I miss the entertainment. There is a lot of slides, everything is excellent.

Rested, got a hundred% charge, I did not want to leave. We gave the floor that you will definitely return here, the more not everything managed to see, it means that you need to try. Husband in a special delight of quad, after long racing, calmed down.

The minus was a shortage of time and money, next time you will need to calculate not to restrain and spend how much the soul wishes.

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