Odessa architecture unusual, there is something to see


In Ukraine, many places where you can relax well. In May 2018, the spouse gave an offer to visit Odessa. Combine swimming in the sea and a great time has enjoyed me. Having collected things, put forward on the road.

Set down at the hotel, love comfort. The days were warm, the water of the freight, the people are full. The sun is calm-moderate, the special heat was not felt.

Mostly rested youth or families. Of course, there were older people, they are well-headed for health: jogging, charging, actively participate in attractions, despite the way with good retirement experience.

Going to rest, we take at least things, why pay the cargo, much more important to take more money in order not to feel limited.

Enjoying bathing, went to conquer the city. Parks are a great place for walking. In the evening, the boulevard was stuck, Vorontsovsky was seen. The architecture of Odessa is unusual, there is something to see.

Interested in the museum of secrets, at first they were perceived a wary of this place, but having received comprehensive information about him, changed the opinion, it turns out that the catacombs under certain periods served as an important role in the lives of citizens. There is an excursion 250 hryvnia.

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It was curious to visit the Lutheran Church, listened to the body. We are familiar with us when the dome, bell, and here the peak crashes into the sky, but in its own way solemnly and beautiful.

Waterpark - Our favorite entertainment, of course, was spent 800 hryvnia.

They looked around to the Potemkin stairs. We were still impressed by the mansions of modern bourgeois, a magnificent spectacle, people know how to live.

Many monuments managed to see, interesting.

The beaches are clean, soon learn how to care and do not throw, it is probably growing culturally, it pleases.

Odessa markets are a separate topic, sellers of talented, know how to offer, it seems there is no such thing that they could not interest. Bought fruit, sweets. Bucked gifts for Rodney basically these are souvenirs or magnets, just as a memory of Odessa.

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To eat went to the cafe, the cost of lunch 200 hryvnia for two, if the establishment is expensive, then up to 400 hryvnia. The restaurant accounted to 950 hryvnia.

They did not have time to be bored, constantly on a positive, then I pull the spouse somewhere, then he throws off the proposal.

I didn't want to think about my homely, I was completely relaxed, on arrival houses were injected and troublesome weekdays began, now you only have to remember and collect money for a new journey.

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