Rest in Sakaka: pros and cons. Should I go to Saki?


Saki is a small, cozy town known far beyond Ukraine and the entire post of Soviet space with their famous mud. Glory came to this city in the 18th century due to the healing properties of therapeutic lakes, namely the healing mineral mud covering the bottom. Actually the name of the city of Saki in translated from the Turkic means dirt.

Rest in Sakaka: pros and cons. Should I go to Saki? 27663_1

So it turns out that the city of Saki is primarily a medical resort (as they wrote before - all-Union mud. Here people "concerned" their health pass the procedures in various kinds of sanatoriums, pretext, and in the second place the sea resort, where ordinary vacationers bathe in the sea and sunbathe under the sun. Therefore, the main category of holidaymakers is people restoring their health using for this mineral, healing mud of the salt lake within the city. The lake is a shallow water with a "salting" rape instead of fresh water. The bottom of the lake is covered with a thick layer of healing mud, which is actually used both for the treatment and prevention of the musculoskeletal system and more than that female and male infertility.

One of the best sanatoriums in the treatment and prevention in this area is perhaps the sanatorium. Burdenko. There is no equal to him, not only in the countries of the former union, but even in the West. In this sanatorium, through treatment with rape and mineral mud, in combination with physiotherapy, successfully cope with rheumatism, the disease of the musculoskeletal system and the joint disease. The healing properties of a unique lake are greatly suitable for the prevention of metabolic processes, improving blood circulation and strengthening the heart muscle.

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It should be noted that in addition to the healing mud baths in the fertile subsoil of the Earth, they also give people more and mineral water. Nevdralex Saxo Lake from the North of the Earth beats a mineral source with delicious water, which in its natural qualities and healing properties is not inferior to the analogues in Truskavets and Essentuki.

The international studies have shown that the mud at the resort of the city of Saki on their healing properties is largely superior to the analogues of the Dead Sea. Only, the trouble is someone else's praise, and I do not appreciate. And our unique Saki mud contains such a huge amount of healing substances (the analogs of the dead of the dead is such a quantity and did not dream), which is just a few procedures to restore the body. In addition, our dirt is much longer preserved their healing properties.

In the season in the resort town comes the inconspicuous number of people. Arriving almost from all over the country and neighboring countries, "tourists of health" occupy nearby recreation centers, sanatoriums, with a single goal to improve health.

In fact, to the shores of the medical lake, the entrance is free. Sanatoriums Access does not overlap with high fences, so that anyone, at any time can try on itself all the charm of mud baths. I repeat, in the holiday season on the shore of the lake is always complete to the people.

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Who is swimming who smears mud. Come even with young children. Although on the shore of the lake, there are signs "bother strictly forbidden" - do not be afraid. It is written in order that our people passed the procedures "Without fanaticism", plunging into the mud entirely. Mud baths, both treat and have a negative impact on the body in their mindless use. All mud applications should be carried out by appointment of a doctor and in a strict sequence. If you decide to experience the healing properties of the mud, know that the procedures should not be much longer in time. It is not advisable to deceive completely, especially the area of ​​the heart. It is not known how it will respond. And of course you should not hold appliques with a strong sun, again a huge load on the heart. By fulfilling such simple rules, you really find out your body, and do not apply it more harm in pursuit of health.

In order to wash off the dirt at the end of the procedures, you can certainly plunge into and swim in the salty, Mineral Lake (how some do). Here, as they say, the case of taste and not everyone will suit it. Someone is not pleasant, reduces the skin from the "saline" rape. I would recommend to dial several volumetric plastic bottles of mineral water from the source next to the lake and wash it.

In addition to the healing resort, Saki is also the seaside resort. The sea is not far from the city, mocking at 10 minutes. Ride on the route taxi. Stop - the recreation center "surf".

Rest in Sakaka: pros and cons. Should I go to Saki? 27663_4

Taxi walks regularly, the passage is 3 UAH., There are no problems with this. Beaches small pebbles, pretty clean and all common use. The sea is the sea. It is always above all praise, at any time of the year and day.

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In addition to concern about its precious health in the city, you can spend very good time. The choice is so rich that the first time can be confused.

The easiest vacation option is a walk through the park. The park was broken over the century ago on the place of the desert steppe. Now there are up to 100 types of relict plants. Children in the park will not be bored. A huge playground, children's simulators (you can safely relax on the bench from children).

Rest in Sakaka: pros and cons. Should I go to Saki? 27663_6

From excursions, if you are a connoisseur of the beautiful and lover of history, it is better to choose a simple - review. You will be in the magnificent Orthodox shrines - in the temple of St. Ilya and the Church of St. Saint Luke (it is Saint Luka very much in the Crimea and is the patron saint of the peninsula).

Look at the local Museum. It is located in the historically significant building of the early 19th century. The museum presents the history of the city with samples of local, national utensils. And of course - the tasting Hall of the Crimean Wine (tourist's dream). Here you can not only "be expelled" but also acquire decent wines at a good price.

Nightlife also grabs "with head." Mass of cafes, restaurants with summer platform. And it is better to go to the Sunshiko sanatorium by the sea. It is here that the most youth discos and besides, concerts of popular performers are constantly held.

Another feature of the resort, here the sun sits down the horizon - the beauty is incredible.

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It is better to see himself.

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