What excursions worth visiting in France?


Many France is associated primarily with Paris and the Eiffel Tower, well, in extreme cases, with the azure coast, for example, Nice or Cannes. But after all, there are so many other wonderful and interesting cities with their unique attractions. So, here is the minimum list of cities and significant places, which, in addition to Paris, in my opinion, are in order to see them.

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one. Forest Fontainblo (Forêt de Fontainebleau), located 50 km south of Paris in the vicinity of the same city. Spreading on an impressive area of ​​25,000 hectares, including not only pine and oak trees, but also picturesque valleys, as well as heather empty, the forest was made in one of the historical novels of Maurice Deruon, in which the King of France Philip is beautiful here it is a stroke here, and later Dies in the Fontainebleau castle. Later, in 16b. The palace will be built here.

2. Lyon. The famous historical center of which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The main attractions here are the Cathedral of Saint-Jean, Basilica Notre Dam de Fourviere, Metal Tower Furviere and Hotel-Die (place where Francois Rabel wrote his brilliant novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel").

3. Bordeaux , known for its impressive ensembles of squares built in the style of classicism in the 18th century, included in the UNESCO list, fascinating the types of the bay and highly valued around the world.

four. Mont-Saint-Michel (Mont Saint-Michel) - an impressive island-fortress, located on the north-west coast of France.

five. Reims. And there is a Reimary Cathedral, a masterpiece sample of gothic architecture, built in the 13th century.

6. Chartre , famous for its magnificent Cathedral, also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

7. StrasbourgG. Located on the border of Germany and France, known not only by its high status of the "parliamentary capital of Europe", but also the famous enchanting Christmas market. And his historical heart, the so-called "big island" will conquer connoisseurs of architecture.

eight. La Rochel , the port city on the shores of the Biscay Bay in the west of France, famous for his old harbor.

nine. P-du-gar (Pont Du Gard) is the highest ancient Roman aqueduct, which remained in the territory of France and in the Department of Gare.

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10. Marseilles - Port on the Mediterranean coast of France, proud of its history, architecture and gorgeous marine dishes.

eleven. Nice In which you can not only enjoy recreation on the sea, but also visit the numerous museum, admire the old town or see the famous carnival.

12. Carcassona - A small town near Toulouse, famous for the preserved ensemble of a medieval city. Real find for lovers of history.

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13. Narbonne - An ancient city in the Mediterranean coast of France, who was once the first Roman colony in Gaul and capable of boasting a variety of preserved antiquity monuments, as well as medieval architecture.

fourteen. Lourdes - One of the most famous pilgrimage centers, the so-called "holy place", the place of the Virgin Mary's phenomena, attracting millions of travelers every year.

fifteen. Montpellier - One of the largest southern French cities, the center of Languedoc-Roussillon, which can boast not only outstanding architectural attractions, but also the oldest botanical garden.

This is just a brief list of what can be viewed in France besides Paris. Each region is proud of its uniqueness and rich past. In almost every city and even the village there is something to see.

In the place you like, you can either go Alone (tourism in France is developed very well, so do not be afraid of individual routes, everywhere you will be happy to meet and help if necessary), or order a tour of Office on tourism which are almost in every little much a large town, and in their resort places and tourist centers, there are quite a lot of them.

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