Rome for 2 days, how to argue immense.


It was not the first one independent journey, so the difficulties were not frightened at all. Since Rome was initially visited not planned, there was no preparation, neither the hotel armor, nor the route, nor the intended locations for snacks and lunch, and the budget was very limited. But despite all of the above, these 2 days were beautiful.

I immediately want to say that without a bike or moped inspect everything, it is possible for 10 days, and if the time is limited without your own means of movement, it is not necessary to do. Movement, of course, kill. The streets are narrow, there are many vehicles, local ride quickly, and first of time they are afraid of everyone. Actually, tourists are easy to learn on extended eyes and slow ride. But in this part of Rome's color.

So, in 2 days, we drove almost all the main sights, but at the same time practically did not enter the cathedrals and museums. The fact is that the queues on the entrance to the Pantheon or the Vatican museums stretched almost to a kilometer, and with a heat of 30 degrees stand in the sun hours is simply impossible, so we caught only the Colosseum, and then, because the whole turn was hiding in Tenka .

I will say right away that the Colosseum was not impressed. After 1.5 hours of waiting, I wanted something more ... But this is only my opinion. But I was impressed by the city as a whole, with his beautiful, endless architecture, narrow streets, smelling delicious food, with unbearable heat, to deal with which it is possible only to the most delicious ice cream in the world. And how harmoniously in this landscape from bright paved streets and architectural delights fits the Italian speech, sounding like a song ....

It is in the city, and not on the coast, you know how important Siesta is. In the middle of the day, when the time comes the strongest heat and want to hide in the shadow and stop, admiring the surrounding beauty before the evening. In the evening, it is necessary to find the place behind the tiny table on one of the streets, and enjoy the sunny wine and delicious food.

In general, for me, Rome is, first of all, the atmosphere, not attractions. Perhaps the sights need to go to another season when there is no exhausting heat and crowd of tourists, and perhaps I found there what I wanted to find, and subsequent visits would not change the impressions and the basic value of this place.

Rome for 2 days, how to argue immense. 27420_1

Rome for 2 days, how to argue immense. 27420_2

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